Essentials for the Canadian Medical Licensing Exam 2nd Edition

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Essentials for the Canadian Medical Licensing Exam: Review and Prep for MCCQE Part I presents a new and innovative review of all specialties and sub-specialties tested on the MCCQE Part I examination. Each chapter focuses on common clinical presentations which include detailed differential diagnoses, relevant physical examination characteristics and diagnostic tests, treatment and patient consultation techniques, and epidemiological information, as well as fundamental scientific principles.
Selection of content based solely on the current MCCQE Examination Objectives published by the Medical Council of Canada.
Outline format allows for quick and efficient review of material.
Flow diagrams present clinical decision-making, diagnostic testing, and differential diagnoses.
Boxes contain applied scientific concepts, high-yield points, CLEO material, and clinical pearls.
Red flags highlight emergent medical situations.
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