Critical Concept Mastery Series: Acid-Base Disturbance Cases 1st Edition

Critical Concept Mastery Series: Acid-Base Disturbance Cases 1st Edition

The case-based approach you need to master the difficult topic of acid-base disturbances.

Critical Concept Mastery books provide a broad overview of the topic, punctuated with specific cases—the most efficient and effective way of building understanding of the clinical application of medical concepts. Acid-Base Disturbance delivers approximately 75 cases that build and hone your knowledge and skills around double and triple acid-base disturbances. Didactic summaries of the key types and features of acid base disturbances are interspersed throughout the book.

• Critical Concept Mastery books provide a broad view of the topic, punctuated with specific cases—the most efficient and effective way of building understanding of the clinical application of medical concepts
• Ideal for Internal Medicine Residents, NP/PAs, Emergency Medicine Residents
• Rich with tables and rationales explaining both correct and incorrect answers