Clinical Dermatology (Lange Medical Books) 1st Edition


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Introducing the most accessible, concise guide to dermatology

This succinct, expert authored guide clearly, systematically reviews more than 100 of the most common and challenging skin disorders. Featuring an easy-to-follow, full-color presentation, it clarifies diagnosis and treatment, giving you a solid grasp of the latest clinical protocols.


  • More than 250 full-color illustrations
  • Cohesive three section organization:
    Section 1 reviews the principles of diagnosis and management as well as office-based procedures
    Section 2 covers common and critical dermatologic conditions
    Section 3 teaches the differential diagnosis of skin diseases in specific body regions based on morphology and other clinical findings
  • Includes access to online learning center where videos of the skin exam and office procedures as well as lectures and additional images increase your understanding
  • Consistent presentation for disease-based chapters provides a cohesive framework for understanding the material
  • Evidence-based reviews and international guidelines
  • Learning aids throughout the book include text boxes, concept clarifying figures and photographs, and insightful clinical “Pearls” and “Pitfalls”

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