Category: Primary Care
Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care (WONCA Family Medicine) 1st Edition
This book provides practical information about depression and anxiety in primary care, with a focus on the approach in different countries and incorporating global ranges/prevalence, risk factors and health burden including that associated with COVID-19 and its pandemic.
To ensure the challenges of a wide international primary care community are reflected fully, authors from different world regions – Africa, Asia Pacific, East Mediterranean, Europe, IberoAmericana-CIMF, North America and South Asia – have co-contributed to individual chapters on the detection and management of depression and anxiety in primary care in their own countries, including the screening tools used, how widely these tools are adopted and by whom, and current policies. As well as the medical model, it also presents the alternative viewpoint that feeling low or anxious is part of the human condition and the attention should be on supporting people in their journey through life, struggling to deal with the mainly social challenges they meet, rather than defining these problems as disorders or diseases requiring identification and treatment.
Key Features:
- Explores the instruments used for the detection of depression and anxiety in primary care in various countries, and why and how these instruments are being used
- Describes the pharmaceutical and non-drug interventions for treating depression and anxiety in primary care and compares the similarities and differences in detecting and managing depression and anxiety in primary care among different countries
- Includes in-depth regional examples of how screening tools are used in practice and how policies can be established in the management of depression and anxiety in primary care
- Concludes with lessons learned from various countries and from different stakeholders with clear advice on what to do and, importantly, what not to do
Addressing primary care detection and management of mental health issues across the globe, the book will be an invaluable practical aid for family medicine practitioners and the wider primary and community care teams and a useful reference for those involved in policy setting at regional and national levels including ministries of health.
Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition
Essential Procedures for Emergency, Urgent, and Primary Care Settings, Third Edition: A Clinical Companion 3rd Edition
A comprehensive, step-by-step, well-illustrated introduction to common clinical procedures
This text is a user-friendly guide to performing 77 clinical procedures, ranging from those commonly performed to those infrequently called upon when minutes count in emergency, urgent, and primary care settings. This heavily updated third edition includes current and comprehensive text, graphic, and video instruction on the use of bedside ultrasound for procedural guidance in order to increase procedural accuracy and mitigate complications. Edited and written by academically accomplished physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners, an interprofessional approach to the performance of procedures is highlighted throughout the book.
Procedures are consistently formatted and presented in clear language with step-by-step detail organized by system-specific categories for easy access to information. Each procedure includes background considerations, indications & contraindications for performing the procedure, technique for safe and correct performance, special considerations, complications, post-procedure considerations, and patient education points. Original photos, videos, high quality sonographic footage, line drawings, and tables reinforce the guidelines and procedures. Abundant “Clinical Pearls” throughout the manuscript offer practical applications of key information representing years of clinical technical experience. Extensive references at the end of each chapter further enhance the book’s utility
New to the Third Edition:
Delivers 16 completely new chapters covering a plethora of newly added procedures, incorporating an interprofessional approach to performing procedures
Previous chapters have been extensively updated and expanded
Provides new illustrative videos
Presents a corresponding list of CPT codes
Key Features:
Delivers current, concise, step-by-step information for performing 77 commonly and less commonly used clinical procedures
Provides abundant four-color photos and figures illustrating each procedure
Organized by body system to provide fast access to key information
Enriched with point of care ultrasound guided procedures
Thoroughly introduces and teaches sonography at the most fundamental level as an important tool to enhance accuracy of procedures
Reflects latest guidelines and evidence-based practice
Includes prominently displayed links to numerous videos throughout the text
Includes 12 months’ free Springer Connect Digital Access with print purchase!
101 Primary Care Case Studies: A Workbook for Clinical and Bedside Skills 1st Edition
Real-life primary care case studies* from more than 50 primary care providers, including physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians!
101 Primary Care Case Studies offers real-life patient scenarios and critical thinking exercises to help you work through a patient’s chief complaint. Through narrative case studies, you will determine how best to diagnose, treat, and manage your patient based on the history of present illness, review of systems, relevant history, and physical examination findings. This workbook will ask probing questions to help you determine differential and most likely diagnoses, diagnostic tests to order, and appropriate patient management strategies using relevant and timely references to support your decisions. The organization of each case study simulates the patient care journey from chief complaint to outcome.
Serving as a virtual clinical preceptor, this workbook can be used independently or in a classroom setting. It is accompanied by a robust online student supplement that provides answers to all questions, real outcomes of the cases, and valuable personal insights from the authors on how the patient was successfully managed. Not only will this workbook help you work through patient cases clinically, it will also share important, but often overlooked, bedside manner skills needed to successfully communicate with and care for your patients.
Covering conditions across all organ systems and across the lifespan, this workbook is organized by chief complaint, providing an authentic perspective on what to expect in the patient care environment. It even includes information on pathophysiology and how to use ICD-10 and CPT (E/M) codes in your documentation. The book uniquely weaves together both the science and art of medicine by including personal insights into quality and compassionate care.
Key Features
Provides real-life patient cases from an interprofessional author team of physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians
Uses a templated case study design and critical thinking exercises to help you methodically work through various patient scenarios
Teaches clinical and bedside manner skills imperative for delivering quality patient care
Covers patients across the lifespan, including pediatric, adolescent, adult, and geriatric populations
Offers additional insight on patient education, medical and legal concerns, and interprofessional collaboration
Includes a robust online student supplement with answers to all the case studies along with valuable insights from the authors on how they successfully managed the cases–see inside for access details
Provides instructors with a table of contents that is filterable by chief complaint, diagnosis, patient population, and organ system
*Details changed to protect patient information.
Neonatology for Primary Care Second Edition
Neonatology for Primary Care Second Edition
The revised and updated second edition covers practical approaches to caring for healthy and high-risk newborns and infants. The book covers maternal and fetal health, care of the newborn after delivery, breastfeeding, follow-up care, common congenital anomalies, the newborn with a heart murmur or cyanosis, neurologic findings, primary care issues relating to newborns and infants requiring intensive care, and health and developmental outcomes.
More than 40 chapters cover step-by-step guidance on what to do, when to admit, and when to refer. Recommendations and lists detailed references within each chapter.
New in the second edition:
8 new chapters added including:
Prenatal Diagnosis
Fetal Interventions
Optimizing Nutrition for the Preterm, Very Low-Birth-Weight Infant After Discharge From Neonatal Intensive Care
Newborn Immunizations and Immune Prophylaxis
Balancing Safe Sleep and Other Recommendations for Newborns
Vascular Anomalies
Endocrine Disorders Presenting in the Newborn Period
Shared Decision Making Around Home Technologies
Reichel’s Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging 8th Edition
Reichel’s Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging 8th Edition
This eighth edition of Dr Reichel’s formative text remains the go-to guide for practicing physicians and allied health staff confronted with the unique problems of an increasing elderly population. Fully updated and revised, it provides a practical guide for all health specialists, emphasizing the clinical management of the elderly patient with simple to complex problems. Featuring four new chapters and the incorporation of geriatric emergency medicine into chapters.
The book begins with a general approach to the management of older adults, followed by a review of common geriatric syndromes, and proceeding to an organ-based review of care. The final section addresses principles of care, including care in special situations, psychosocial aspects of our aging society, and organization of care. Particular emphasis is placed on cost-effective, patient-centered care, including a discussion of the Choosing Wisely campaign. A must-read for all practitioners seeking practical and relevant information in a comprehensive format.
Oxford Handbook of Pre-hospital Care 2nd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Pre-hospital Care 2nd Edition
Second edition of this medical book, the Oxford Handbook of Pre-hospital Care is the invaluable guide to providing high-quality care in a pre-hospital environment. Evidence-based and reflecting new developments in regulation and practice, this second edition is designed to provide key information for all immediate care practitioners, including doctors, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and community responders. The medical book has been cross-referenced with the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC) handbook to ensure full clinical relevance.
Reflecting the major advances in delivery of pre-hospital care, including the greater survival benefits for heart attacks and major trauma when delivering patients directly to higher levels of care, the evolution of the paramedic role into critical care paramedics, roadside rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia, and the introduction of mechanical chest compression devices, this new edition is the ideal companion for those involved in delivering pre-hospital care. It also links to relevant online databases and mobile apps that can assist with calculations, and contains key algorithms and formulae to ensure good care.
Primary Care for the Physical Therapist: Examination and Triage 3rd Edition
Primary Care for the Physical Therapist: Examination and Triage 3rd Edition
Specifically designed to address the expanding role of physical therapists in primary care, Primary Care for the Physical Therapist: Examination and Triage, 3rd Edition covers all the information and skills you need to be successful in the field. Updated content throughout the text helps you stay up to date on the best practices involving patient examination, medical screening, patient management, and communication. This new third edition also features a new chapter on electrodiagnostic testing, a new chapter on patients with a history of trauma, and updated information on how to screen and examine the healthy population. It’s a must-have resource for any physical therapist wanting to obtain the technical expertise and clinical decision-making abilities to meet the challenges of a changing profession.
- Tailored content reflects the specific needs of physical therapists in primary care.
- Emphasis on communication skills underscores this essential aspect of quality patient care.
- Overview of the physical examination is provided in the text to ground therapists in the basis for differential diagnosis and recognizing conditions.
- NEW! Updated content throughout the text reflects the current state of primary care and physical therapy practice.
- NEW! New chapter on electrodiagnostic testing helps familiarize physical therapists with indications for electrodiagnostic testing and implications of test results to their clinical decision-making.
- NEW! New chapter on patients with a history of trauma emphasizes the red flags that physical therapists need to recognize for timely patient referral for appropriate tests.
- NEW! Updated information on how to screen and examine the healthy population enhances understanding of the foundations of practice and the role that physical therapists can fill in primary care models.
ICPC-3 International Classification of Primary Care 3rd Edition
ICPC-3 International Classification of Primary Care 3rd Edition
This third edition of the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-3) is indispensible for anyone wishing to use the international classification system for classification of morbidity data in a primary care setting. Distilling the many standards that are applied internationally in primary & community care and public health to offer a telescopic view, the classification has been completely rewritten to reflect the continued shift in the health paradigm of primary care and public health towards the person rather than the disease or provider. The content of ICPC-3 remains closely ‘linked’ to relevant related international classifications. The ICPC-3 also contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, specifically to Goal 3 and its target of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.
Dermatology for the Primary Care Provider
Dermatology for the Primary Care Provider
Designed for today’s busy family physicians, Dermatology for the Primary Care Provider is an easy-to-use reference covering the diagnosis and management of commonly seen dermatologic conditions. It provides practical, everyday guidance for quick reference at the point of care, including management pitfalls, clinical warning signs, specific treatment recommendations, and much more. Packed with need-to-know information, this unique resource is invaluable both when you are confident in your diagnosis and need guidance on next steps, or when you need step-by-step assistance on initial management in the absence of a definitive diagnosis.
- Highlights common management pitfalls, how to rule out acutely dangerous entities, and clinical warning signs requiring urgent referral.
- Provides specific treatment recommendations including which level of therapy is necessary, clear instructions on how to prescribe, and what to watch for.
- Includes numerous treatment algorithms throughout, as well as a differential diagnosis overview list in every chapter with cross-references to the corresponding page.
- Contains helpful information on patient education as well as answers to commonly asked patient questions.
- Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.