Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Mastering the BDS Ist Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

• Exam orienting book with unique collection of last 25 years solved questions.
• Extensively revised and updated chapters to provide knowledge of present era.
• A highly structured, user-friendly; systemic and attractive layout.
• Illustrations and high quality photographs are given with explanatory legends for easy explanation of text.
• General Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology sections are rewritten and answers of previous editions are changed due to change in concepts and inculcation of new researches.
• Consists of solved papers of year 2018 and also some new additions are made in formatting of book for better presentation.
• Answers are given in point-wise manner for the clear overview and eye catching remembrance.
• Proper H&E stained histological figures are given in color plates which help students to understand the General Histology easily.
• The text, multiple choice questions (MCQs) and fill in the blanks aids students in preparation of Viva-Voce as well as provides basis for competitive examinations
• Provides clinical overview in various chapters for highlighting the clinical applications.


Becker’s World of the Cell, Global Edition 10th Edition

Becker’s World of the Cell, Global Edition 10th Edition

Forcourses in cell biology.

Connectingfundamental concepts across the world of the cellKnown for its strong biochemistry coverage and clear, easy-to-followexplanations and figures, Becker’s World of the Cell provides abeautifully illustrated, up-to-date introduction to cell biology concepts,processes, and applications. Informed by years of classroom experience in thecell biology course, the text features accessible and authoritativedescriptions of all major principles, as well as unique scientific insightsinto visualization and applications of cell and molecular biology. With the 10thEdition, the authors guide students to make connections throughout cellbiology, and provide questions that encourage students to practice interpretingand analyzing data. Embedded features in Pearson eText add interactivity,walking students through key figures with narrated explanations.

Personalizelearning with Mastering Biology with Pearson eText
Mastering® empowers youto personalize learning and reach every student. This flexible digital platformcombines trusted content with customizable features so you can teach yourcourse your way. And with digital tools and assessments, students become activeparticipants in their learning, leading to better results.

PearsoneText is an easy-to-use digital textbook available within Mastering that letsstudents read, highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in oneplace. If you’re not using Mastering, students can purchase Pearson eText ontheir own or you can assign it as a course to schedule readings, view studentusage analytics, and share your own notes with students.


Short Course in Medical Terminology with Navigate Advantage Access 5th Edition

Short Course in Medical Terminology with Navigate Advantage Access 5th Edition

Short Course in Medical Terminology is a workbook-textbook intended to teach the language of medicine in an engaging and meaningful way and is written to represent the real world so that you can move seamlessly from the classroom to actual practice. Each chapter begins with an engaging case study, followed by ample opportunity for learning and applying, and concludes with reflection. Learning and application use a three-pronged approach: (1) immersion― the terms are presented in context; (2) chunking― the material is given in manageable units; and (3) practice―exercises allow you to check your knowledge and your ability to apply concepts to new situations.


Dosimetry in Brachytherapy – An International Code of Practice for Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and Hospitals

Dosimetry in Brachytherapy – An International Code of Practice for Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and Hospitals

The brachytherapy process requires consistent reference dosimetry that is traceable to metrological primary standards and common procedures to be followed for reference dosimetry globally. The Code of Practice is addressed to both Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and hospitals. It fulfils the need for a systematic and internationally unified approach to the calibration and use of vented well-type re-entrant ionisation chambers in determining the strength of brachytherapy sources with intensities measurable by such detectors. The dosimetry formalism as well as common procedures for calibration, reference dosimetry, reference-class instrument assessment and commissioning of the well-type ionisation chamber system are provided.



Physical Aspects of Therapeutics (De Gruyter STEM)

Physical Aspects of Therapeutics (De Gruyter STEM) 

The updated edition of the third of three vollumes on Medical Physics presents modern physical methods for medical therapy with a focus on tumor treatment. It provides background information on radiation biology, radiation response of tissues, and linear energy transfer through radiation. Therapies with external radiation sources (x-rays, protons, neutrons) as well as internal radiation sources (brachytherapy) are discussed in detail. Other chapters deal with the use of lasers and nanoparticles in modern medicine. This volume closes with a short chapter on medical statistics. NEW: highlighted boxes emphasize specifi c topics; math boxes explain more advanced mathematical issues; each chapter concludes with a summary of the key concepts, questions, exercises, and a self-assessment of the acquired competence. The appendix provides answers to questions and solutions to exercises.


Biomedical Implants 1st Edition

Biomedical Implants 1st Edition

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of implants, from the selection of materials to the outcome of the process. It covers various steps, including biocompatible material, synthesis, and characterization, compatibility and limitations of materials, specific implants, and finite element analysis of medical implants. It also presents a comparison between predictions and experimental results by studying real-world problems and addresses the issue of sustainability in implant manufacturing, process modeling, and optimization in additive manufacturing supported by case studies.


  • Covers the development of implants from the selection of material to the suitable process of manufacturing technologies
  • Includes biocompatible material, synthesis, characterization, compatibility, and limitations of materials
  • Reviews biofabrication in terms of artificial organs and soft tissues
  • Discusses implant manufacturing, including additive and micro-manufacturing and failure analysis through case studies
  • Addresses the issue of sustainability in implant manufacturing

This book is intended for researchers and graduate students specializing in mechanical, biomedical, healthcare engineering, biomaterials, and additive manufacturing.


Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis 2001st Edition

Mass Spectrometry and Genomic Analysis 2001st Edition

76 2. Short Oligonucleotide Mass Analysis 76 2. 1. Method Outline 76 2. 2. Design of PCR Primers and Fragments for Analysis 78 2. 3. Typical PCR Reaction Conditions 79 3. Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry 79 Formation of Ions 3. 1. 79 3. 2. Tandem Mass Spectrometry 79 3. 3. Typical ESI-MS Settings for SOMA 80 4. Purification Procedures 80 4. 1. Phenol/Chloroform Extraction and Ethanol Precipitation 80 4. 2. In-line HPLC Purification 81 5. Genotyping Using SOMA 81 5. 1. APC Genotyping in Human Subjects 81 5. 2. APC Genotyping in Min Mice 85 5. Mutation Detection Using SOMA 86 6. 1. Analysis of p53 Mutations in Liver Cancer Patients 86 6. 1. 1. p53 Mutations in Liver Tumours 87 6. 1. 2. p53 Mutations in Plasma Samples 88 7. Advantages and Disadvantages of SOMA 89 8. Future Perspectives 90 9. Acknowledgements 91 10. References 91 CHAPTER 7 WV. Bienvenut, M. Müller, PM. Palagi, E. Gasteiger, M. Heller, E. Jung, M. Giron, R. Gras, S. Gay, PA. Binz, G J. Hughes, JC. Sanchez, RD. Appel, DF. Hochstrasser Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry: Some Aspects and Recent Developments 1. Introduction to Proteomics 93 2. Protein Biochemical and Chemical Processing Followed by Mass Spectrometric Analysis 94 2. 1. 2-DE Gel Protein Separation 95 Protein Identification Using Peptide Mass Fingerprinting and Robots 96 2. 2. 2. 2. 1. MALDI-MS Analysis 98 2. 2. 2. MS/MS Analysis 102 Improvement of the Identification by Chemical Modification of Peptides 106 2. 2. 3.


Circular RNAs (Methods in Molecular Biology Book 2765) 2nd Edition

Circular RNAs (Methods in Molecular Biology Book 2765) 2nd Edition

This second edition details new and updated methods on circular RNA. Chapter guide readers through circular RNA purification, in silico characterization, circRNA detection, sequence validation, quantification , techniques related to  gain- and loss-of-function approaches, circular RNA synthesis, split ligation, engineering, nanoparticle packaging, RNA modifications on circular RNA biogenesis, RNA translation potential, and vaccines based on circular RNAs. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.


Authoritative and cutting-edge, Circular RNAs, Second Edition aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.




This practical guide provides a simple, useful reference to commonly raised questions about medical student assessment.The first part of the book provides succinct information on the general aspects of assessment such as purpose and principles of assessment; technical terms such as validity, reliability, and utility of assessment instruments; and how to choose assessment instruments for a given purpose.Individual assessment instruments are treated in the second part of the guide. The authors focus on about 20 selected assessment instruments currently in use or promising new instruments that are likely to get increased acceptance in future. For each instrument a general description is given, followed by discussion on its uses, limitations, psychometric characteristics, and recommendations for medical teachers.The reference section contains highly selective and well-researched resources, annotated and classified according to their usefulness. Many of these resources are available free on the Internet.


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