Tips & Tricks in Interventional Cardiology 1st Edition

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Tips & Tricks in Interventional Cardiology is a concise collection of essential knowledge concerning day to day procedures in cardiology. Comprised of fourteen chapters, the book emphasises the reduction of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing cardiovascular intervention when strict protocol is followed. The first two chapters cover percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a non- surgical procedure to treat narrowed arteries. Further chapters cover vital procedures in detail, such as the measurement of cardiac output and important calculations in the catheterisation laboratory. The book also provides information on different types of imaging in interventional cardiology, and details the drugs used in the catheterisation laboratory. The final chapters cover the treatment of structural heart disease and congenital heart disease. Enhanced by 108 full colour images and illustrations, this is an invaluable resource for practitioners involved in interventional cardiology procedures. Key Points Protocols for day to day procedures in cardiology Covers catheterisation procedures, imaging, and drugs used in the catheterisation laboratory 156 full colour images and illustrations