Blueprints Family Medicine, 3rd Edition

Blueprints Family Medicine, 3rd Edition

Blueprints Family Medicine, Third Edition provides students with a complete review of key concepts and topics and serves as a rapid reference during day-to-day activities in patient care—perfect for clerkship rotations and the USMLE. This edition has been completely updated while maintaining its succinct, organized, and concise style.

  • 100 USMLE-style multiple-choice questions with full explanations
  • Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize important information
  • Updated Appendix of evidence-based resources
  • Companion website offers access to fully searchable text plus an additional 50 USMLE-style questions with answers


Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care (WONCA Family Medicine) 1st Edition

Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care (WONCA Family Medicine) 1st Edition

This book provides practical information about depression and anxiety in primary care, with a focus on the approach in different countries and incorporating global ranges/prevalence, risk factors and health burden including that associated with COVID-19 and its pandemic.

To ensure the challenges of a wide international primary care community are reflected fully, authors from different world regions – Africa, Asia Pacific, East Mediterranean, Europe, IberoAmericana-CIMF, North America and South Asia – have co-contributed to individual chapters on the detection and management of depression and anxiety in primary care in their own countries, including the screening tools used, how widely these tools are adopted and by whom, and current policies. As well as the medical model, it also presents the alternative viewpoint that feeling low or anxious is part of the human condition and the attention should be on supporting people in their journey through life, struggling to deal with the mainly social challenges they meet, rather than defining these problems as disorders or diseases requiring identification and treatment.

Key Features:

  • Explores the instruments used for the detection of depression and anxiety in primary care in various countries, and why and how these instruments are being used

  • Describes the pharmaceutical and non-drug interventions for treating depression and anxiety in primary care and compares the similarities and differences in detecting and managing depression and anxiety in primary care among different countries

  • Includes in-depth regional examples of how screening tools are used in practice and how policies can be established in the management of depression and anxiety in primary care

  • Concludes with lessons learned from various countries and from different stakeholders with clear advice on what to do and, importantly, what not to do

Addressing primary care detection and management of mental health issues across the globe, the book will be an invaluable practical aid for family medicine practitioners and the wider primary and community care teams and a useful reference for those involved in policy setting at regional and national levels including ministries of health.


Swanson’s Family Medicine Review 9th Edition

Swanson’s Family Medicine Review 9th Edition

Ideal for practicing physicians and residents who are preparing to take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) initial or continuing exam, Swanson’s Family Medicine Review: A Problem-Oriented Approach, 9th Edition, provides more than 2,500 questions in a practical case study format. This bestselling review tool reflects the clinical disciplines as tested by the ABFM, and also serves as an excellent resource for residents’ case-based RISE exams. Fully updated and easy to use, it covers recent developments and current information in family medicine, providing the assistance you need to ensure success on the ABFM exam.

  • Uses realistic case problems as a basis for questions on diagnosis and management, with detailed answers that explain both correct and incorrect responses.
  • Prepares you for the ABFM’s Certificates of Added Qualifications (CAQs) in adolescent medicine, geriatric medicine, hospice and palliative medicine, pain medicine, sleep medicine, and sports medicine, as well as the upcoming CAQ in hospital medicine.
  • Reflects meticulous updating for accuracy and complete coverage, including more questions in key areas for newer CAQs.
  • Includes tips and tricks for passing the board exam, clinical algorithms throughout, summaries at the end of each case, and case management problems that suggest the ideal diagnostic work-up.
  • Allows you to earn up to 75 CME Credits online through Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices, as well as answer questions interactively and check your answers on any electronic platform.