Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 14th Edition

Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 14th Edition

Expertly bridging the gap between basic science and clinical informationWilliams Textbook of Endocrinology, 14th Edition, brings together an outstanding collection of world-renowned authors to provide authoritative discussions of the full spectrum of adult and pediatric endocrine system disorders. New chapters and significant revisions throughout keep you up to date with recent advances in medications, therapies, clinical trials, and more. This essential reference is a must-have resource for endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons, gynecologists, internists, pediatricians, and other clinicians who need current, comprehensive coverage of this multifaceted field.

  • Up to date with recent advances in medications, therapies, and clinical trials.
  • Provides state-of-the-art coverage of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, metabolic bones disorders, obesity, thyroid disease, testicular disorders, newly defined adrenal disorders and much more – all designed to help you provide optimal care to every patient.
  • Contains new chapters on Global Burden of Endocrine Disease, Navigation of Endocrine Guidelines, and Transgender Endocrinology.
  • Includes significant updates to the Diabetes section, including a new chapter on Physiology of Insulin Secretion and greater coverage of Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Presents current information in a highly illustrated, user-friendly format for quick reference.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine) Illustrated Edition

Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine) Illustrated Edition

The discipline of Endocrinology encompasses diabetes and obesity, two of the most common and pressing health care concerns today. The Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology & Diabetes concisely reviews the entire discipline, providing a wealth of daily help for students and residents managing patients with diabetes and obesity as well as reproductive and neuroendocrine disorders, pediatric endocrinology, and problems of the thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands. Key topics such as genetics, therapeutic agents, and results of major clinical trials are included, all in a compact and easily-navigable package.


Endocrinology Pocket Guide: Full illustrated

Endocrinology Pocket Guide: Full illustrated

Endocrinology Pocket Guide, Full illustrated.
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Endocrine System
The endocrine system is a network of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, controlling physiological events throughout the body (Figure 1.1). Endocrine function and hormone action mediate long-term effects by acting on all cellular processes and systems. They influence growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, reproduction, sexual development, fluid and nutrient homeostasis, and behavior.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Endocrine System
The endocrine system
Steroid hormones
Protein and peptide hormones
The endocrine system and feedback loops
Endocrine disorders
Chapter 2: Normal Endocrine Physiology
Endocrine glands and hormones
Endocrine gland hierarchy
The hypothalamus
The pituitary gland
The pineal gland
Peripheral endocrine glands
The thymus
The thyroid gland
The parathyroid glands
The adrenal glands
The pancreas
The ovaries
The testes
Chapter 3: Growth and Metabolism Endocrine Disorders
Growth hormone disorders-overview
IGF, GH, and GHR deficiencies
Guidelines for GHD diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Guidelines for acromegaly diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Pancreatic disorders
Guidelines for DM diagnosis and treatment
Special concerns
Guidelines for obesity diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Thyroid Disorders-overview
Guidelines for hyperthyroidism diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Guidelines for hypothyroidism diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Parathyroid disorders-overview
Guidelines for hyperparathyroidism diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Guidelines for hypoparathyroidism diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Chapter 4: The Reproductive System and Endocrine Disorders
Menopause and postmenopause-overview
Guidelines for diagnosis and management of menopause
Special concerns
Guidelines for gynecomastia diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Guidelines on evaluation and management of hirsutism
Special concerns
Erectile dysfunction-overview
Guidelines on ED diagnosis and management
Special concerns
Chapter 5: Genetics, Epigenetics and Endocrinology
Endocrine genetics
Endocrine epigenetics
Epigenetics and endocrine disrupters
The genetics and epigenetics of growth and metabolism
The genetics of growth
GH or IGF deficiencies
The epigenetics of growth
The genetics of thyroid function
The epigenetics of thyroid function
The genetics and epigenetics of the parathyroid function
The epigenetics of pseudohypoparathyroidism
The genetics and epigenetics of pancreatic function
The genetics of T2D and obesity
The epigenetics of T2D and obesity
The genetics and epigenetics of reproductive endocrinology
The genetics and epigenetics of menopause
Epigenetics, epigenetic disrupters, and menopause
The genetics and epigenetics of postmenopausal status
The genetics and epigenetics of gynecomastia
The genetics and epigenetics of erectile dysfunction
The genetics and epigenetics of hirsutism
Chapter 6: Links
Selected References


Case Discussions in Endocrinology

Case Discussions in Endocrinology

Endocrinology and metabolic diseases involve very common diseases like diabetes, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypertension and thyroid disorders. Endocrinology diseases especially adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, gonadal, and metabolic-related diseases require clinical experience, expertise and collaboration with other departments, and are so important for evaluating endocrine diseases. Expertise can only be gained by different case evaluations. Endocrinologists and internal medicine specialists should increase their capacity of creative thinking about their patients for more accurate patient care. This book is a compilation of work that may be beneficial for endocrinology and internal medicine residents, surgeons, and medical students. The purpose of this book is to cover up-to-date practical endocrine case management, daily practice and manage difficult cases in endocrinology. The authors would be happy if readers would send comments, feedback and suggestions so they can correct their mistakes and can arrange a second book with new cases according to their suggestions. Special thanks are given to the consultants in the Endocrinology Department and other departments in Ankara University for sharing their clinical expertise with the authors. Many thanks are also given to Nadya S. Gotsiridze-Columbus, Carra Feagaiga, Stella Rosa and Nova Science Publishers for their extraordinary organizational help.


Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology (Oxford Desk Reference Series) 1st Edition

Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology (Oxford Desk Reference Series) 1st Edition

Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology provides easy access to evidence-based materials for quick consultation but also provides an in-depth expert reference for clinical practice. It covers the process of diagnosis, investigation, and management, as well as information for patients. Internationally-renowned experts have brought together evidence, guidelines and their clinical expertise to put trustworthy support at your fingertips.

The vast spectrum of endocrine disorders are clearly laid out in self-contained topics for easy reference. Chapters build bridges between pathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and investigation to aid understanding. Careful consideration is given to establishing a diagnosis including the recognition, investigation and management of the rarer diagnoses. The practical treatment of everyday endocrine disorders and the management of life-long conditions are outlined in clear protocols.

Chapters are organised by endocrine glands, disorders and syndromes and there are sections on the involvement of hormones in other specialities including endocrine oncology. The continuity from childhood to adolescent and adult endocrinology as well as the needs of older patients is explored in specific sections. Dedicated chapters cover the important roles endocrine specialist nurses play in patient management, and dietetic advice.

The editors have included a wealth of practical resources including:
· A speedy reference section, which provides summaries and quick direction
· A patient advice and reference section, which supports face-to-face discussion with patients
· A medicolegal chapter, which outlines risk and DVLA regulations

Oxford Desk Reference: Endocrinology is the ideal companion for consultants, registrars associate specialists and clinical assistants as well as those from other disciplines who share endocrine clinics including endocrine surgeons, oncologists, gynaecologists and paediatricians.


Challenging Cases in Endocrinology (Contemporary Endocrinology) 2002nd Edition

Challenging Cases in Endocrinology (Contemporary Endocrinology) 2002nd Edition

Distinguished clinician-scientists describe in concise studies their most difficult cases and reveal what they did, how they did it, and why. The cases cover a wide range of endocrine problems. Each case study reviews how the patient was managed, details the reasons why various tests and treatments-many only recently available-were carried out, and provides references to ensure that those novel methodologies can be easily translated into the endocrine specialist’s daily practice. The authors provide practical solutions for these difficult-to-manage cases, and successfully apply knowledge fresh from the laboratory to decisions about patient management. Practical and stimulating, Challenging Cases in Endocrinology demonstrates for every clinical endocrinologist precisely how specialists approach their most challenging cases and how these approaches can be effectively applied in the daily practice of endocrinology.


Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

The indispensable guide to all aspects of clinical care, the Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes has been fully revised for its third edition. Concise, practical, and packed with vital information and invaluable hands-on advice, this is the must have resource for all those managing patients with endocrine and diabetic disorders.

This unique pocket guide has been updated with new dedicated chapters on endocrine surgery, endocrinology and ageing, and obesity, as well as new topics, including intrinsic imperfections of endocrine replacement therapy, transition to adult care, and survivors of childhood cancer. Written in conjunction with the 
Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes, it covers clinical investigation and management of both common and rare conditions. Following the latest protocols and clinical guidelines it ensures readers are up-to-date with the latest clinical care and practice. Clear, concise, and easy-to-use, this handbook will ensure readers have all the information they need at their fingertips.


Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 13th Edition

Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 13th Edition

For more than 65 years, Williams Textbook of Endocrinology has been the gold standard in the field, delivering authoritative guidance on every aspect of adult and pediatric endocrine system disorders. The 13th Edition has been thoroughly updated by Drs. Shlomo Melmed, Kenneth S. Polonsky, P. Reed Larsen, and Henry M. Kronenberg, to bring you state-of-the-art coverage of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, thyroid disease, testicular disorders, and much more, all designed to help you provide optimal care to every patient. Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical information, it is an essential, relevant resource for endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons, gynecologists, internists, and pediatricians – any clinician who needs the most reliable coverage available on the diverse features across the spectrum of endocrine disease.

  • Obtain a better understanding of both scientific insight and clinical data from the classic reference that delivers the current information you need in a highly illustrated, user-friendly format.
  • Stay up to date with expanded discussions of autoimmune thyroid diseases, mechanisms, and the appropriate treatment of the ophthalmopathy of Graves’ disease; a new section on the interpretation of fine needle aspiration results in patients with thyroid nodules; and new coverage of when and when not to use radioiodine in the treatment of patients with thyroid cancer.

  • Update your knowledge and skills with all-new chapters on Genetics of Endocrine Disease, Endocrinology of Population Health, and Laboratory Techniques for Recognition of Endocrine Disorders.

  • Confidently manage any clinical endocrinopathy you may encounter thanks to new information on recent FDA-approved drugs for pituitary disorders, a new focus on pediatrics, and new content on diabetes, obesity, and appetite control.

  • Benefit from the expertise of dynamic new contributors who offer fresh perspectives throughout.


Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management (Expert Consult – Online and Print) 7th Edition

Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical Management (Expert Consult – Online and Print) 7th Edition

Yen Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology helps you successfully diagnose and manage the spectrum of female and male reproductive system diseases, from impaired fertility, infertility, and recurrent pregnancy loss through problems of sexual development, puberty, menstrual disturbances, fibroids, endometriosis, and reproductive aging. This trusted endocrinology reference book is ideal for fellows, endocrinologists, or as a quick reference when making daily diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. It is just the resource you need to offer your patients the best possible reproductive care.

“This new edition helps the reader to stay on top of recent developments. It is a must for subspecialists in reproductive medicine and a valuable source of information in the library of any department and clinical unit involved in reproductive medicine.” Reviewed by Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica February 2015

“It is a must for subspecialists in reproductive medicine and a valuable source of information in the library of any department and clinical unit involved in reproductive medicine.” Reviewed by Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica , March 2015

  • Get unmatched guidance you can trust, such as fresh insights into today’s field and future advances, through the knowledge gleaned from worldwide fertility experts in reproductive medicine.
  • Further your study of Reproductive Endocrinology with a list of suggested readings at the end of each chapter.
  • Conveniently access the fully searchable text and view all of the images online at Expert Consult.
  • Apply the latest reproductive endocrinology advances in basic and clinical science, including molecular, cellular, and genetic concepts, and grasp their relevance to pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy.
  • Maximize fertility in women and men undergoing chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, and counsel patients on environmental factors affecting reproduction.
  • Stay on top of recent developments including the impact of obesity on fertility; ovarian tissue banking; cryopreservation; pre-implantation genetic diagnosis; ovulation induction; and risks and treatments for steroid hormone-responsive cancers.
  • View basic anatomic structures, endocrine processes, and cell function and dysfunction with absolute clarity through full-color illustrations and new images throughout.
  • Confidently perform procedures through expanded coverage of reproductive and infertility surgery and online videos demonstrating key techniques.


Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook 1st Edition

Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook 1st Edition

Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook is a convenient reference guide that provides a comprehensive review of major endocrine topics along with a succinct presentation of physiology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and management strategies in endocrinology. Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook is a convenient reference guide that provides a comprehensive review of major endocrine topics along with a succinct presentation of physiology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and management strategies in endocrinology. Endocrine topics include pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal disorders; male and female reproduction; diabetes and obesity; and calcium metabolism and osteoporosis.Tarascon Adult Endocrinology Pocketbook is a must-have tool for practicing primary care physicians as well as medical students, residents and endocrinology fellows.


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