Spine Radiosurgery 2nd Edition

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Overall, this book is a useful update on the status of this developing field. In addition to its obvious utility for the neurosurgeon and the radiation oncologist, it will be of interest to the neuroradiologist, because all of this type of treatment is dependent on modern neuroimaging. Most of the chapters are well-illustrated and well-referenced. — AJNR

…this provides an excellent reference not only for those who treat patients with radiosurgery, but also patients that treat spinal lesions surgically. — YNC Newsletter (Young Neurosurgeons News)

Spine Radiosurgery, Second Edition, is a comprehensive text that includes discussions of the latest devices, treatment planning techniques, target definition, and patient selection in this specialty. Written by leading experts in the fields of neurosurgery, radiation oncology, and medical physics, this book is the definitive reference for clinical applications of state-of-the-art radiosurgery of the spine.

Key Features:

  • Six new chapters on such topics as histopathological examination of spinal lesions, minimally invasive techniques, and treatment of spinal chordomas
  • More than 100 full-color illustrations demonstrate key concepts
  • Discussion of new treatments for metastatic spine disease and spinal cord compression

This book is a must-have resource for clinicians, fellows, and residents in neurosurgery and radiation oncology. Spine surgeons, orthopaedists, medical physicists, and oncologists at all levels will also benefit from the wealth of information provided.

