Smart Infusion Pumps: Implementation, Management, and Drug Libraries 2nd Edition

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There are no two ways about it: smart infusion pumps have transformed the dosage delivery system by reducing errors and improving patient care. However, clinicians and nurses are crucial in making critical decisions, monitoring the systems, and managing drug libraries. It is therefore vital that healthcare professionals have the most comprehensive expert guidance possible. ASHP’s updated edition of Smart Infusion Pumps puts all the information you need at your fingertips. This is the core handbook for selecting, implementing, and operating this essential medical technology, covering every aspect of infusion pump management, including guidance for their growing use in patient home care. Updated and expanded, with practice tips, charts, checklists, scenarios, and more, the second edition details procedures that ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and patient safety. Inside this edition you’ll find:*8 updated and 5 new chapters.* Key terms.* Practice tips.* References.* An expanded drug library for general and paediatric use, and patient-controlled analgesia. As the essential guide for anybody who works with smart infusion pumps, you’ll want to have one for each member of your team.