Restless Nights: Understanding Snoring and Sleep Apnea 1st Edition

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People with severe sleep apnea may struggle for breath all through the night, not breathing for as long as ninety seconds at a time during their sleep. This syndrome, which affects at least four percent of men and two percent of women, can cause daytime fatigue, traffic and work accidents, deteriorating cognitive abilities, and cardiovascular problems. Yet until now there has been no accessible discussion of the history, physiology, and risk factors of sleep apnea. In this book Peretz Lavie, an expert in sleep research, tells the complete story of sleep apnea for the first time.
The book provides:

• an explanation of the symptoms of sleep apnea, including the most important one, snoring;

• an up-to-date description of the risk factors;

• a clear explanation why sleep apnea causes cardiovascular problems;

• a discussion of children’s breathing disorders in sleep;

• advice on how to get a consultation and diagnosis;

• evaluations of the treatments currently available;

• practical recommendations on how to live with the syndrome;

• interviews with the key figures in sleep apnea research;

• and more.