Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation (2 Volume Set) Fourth Edition

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Completely updated to reflect revolutionary changes in technology and practice, the Fourth Edition of this best-selling reference features state-of-the-art coverage of multislice CT scanners and three-dimensional imaging, plus a new chapter on the acute abdomen and new material on CT and MR angiography, lung cancer screening, pulmonary embolism, coronary artery calcium screening, and interventional CT techniques including radiofrequency ablation and CT fluoroscopy. More than 5,000 illustrations—mostly new 3D and multiplanar images—complement the text.

Each organ system chapter demonstrates imaging techniques, normal CT/MRI anatomy, and pathologic findings. The authors indicate where MRI complements or supplements CT or has supplanted CT as the primary imaging modality.


Magnetic Resonance of Myelination and Myelin Disorders 3rd Edition

[amazon template=image&asin=3540222863]Our thanks go to our colleagues at the VU Univer- Preface to the Third Edition sity Medical Center and to those in other hospitals Reading through the prefaces of the two previous edi- who referred their patients to us. We are indebted to tions,we can say that much of what was said there still all colleagues who allowed us to use their MR images, holds. At the same time,however,much has changed. published or unpublished,making it possible for us to There has been immense progress in the technical present illustrations of nearly all known white matter possibilities of magnetic resonance and in the know- disorders. Two colleagues were particularly helpful ledge of genetic defects, biochemical abnormalities, and provided us with essential and unpublished f- and cellular processes underlying myelin disorders. ures: our friends Susan Blaser,from the Hospital for This immense progress has prompted us to embark Sick Children in Toronto,and Zoltán Patay,from the upon the enormous task of rewriting the previous King Faisal Hospital in Riyadh. edition and adding 40 chapters. In doing so we have Many people at the VU University Medical Center tried to cover most white matter disorders,hereditary have been of great technical help to us in producing and acquired,and to present a collection of images to high quality images and in providing secretarial illustrate the field to the fullest possible extent. This assistance. The contributions of these people are edition will therefore be more complete than the pre- mentioned separately in the acknowledgements.



Protocols and Methodologies in Basic Science and Clinical Cardiac MRI 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This book focuses on the practical issues of the implementation of state-of-the-art acquisition methodologies and protocols for both basic science and clinical practice. It is a practical guidebook for both beginners and advanced users for easy and practical implementation of acquisition protocols. It is relevant for a wide audience that ranges from students, residents, fellows, basic scientists, physicists, engineers, and medical practitioners.

The novelty of this book relates to its intended practical use and focus on state-of-the-art cardiac MRI techniques that span both the clinical and basic science fields. In comparison and contrast to other pre-existing books, this book will distinguish from others for its practical usefulness and conciseness. Correspondingly, the book will be used as a handbook (quick reference) for new starters or people who would like to establish state-of-the-art cardiac MRI techniques in their institutions. Given the historical evolution of techniq

ue development in MRI, the clinical and basic science topics will be described separately. However, in instances where basic science development complemented (or is envisaged to complement) clinical development (e.g., Diffusion MRI and tractography), every effort will be made to allow a comprehensive review and associations of the clinical/basic science subfields.


Contrast Media: Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines (Medical Radiology) 3rd ed

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This is the third edition of a very successful book that originally emerged from the work of a committee set up by the European Society of Urogenital Radiology in 1994 to consider the safety of contrast media used for diagnostic imaging. The new edition not only fully updates the previous edition, but also includes new chapters on complex topics such as pediatric issues and practical aspects of off-label contrast media use. Comprehensive consideration is given to the many different safety issues relating to iodine-based contrast media, gadolinium-based contrast media, microbubbles for ultrasound, and barium sulfate. The text includes chapters on both acute and delayed non-renal adverse reactions and on renal adverse reactions. All of the questions frequently raised in radiological practice are addressed. This book, presented in a handy, easy-to-use format, provides an invaluable, unique, and unparalleled source of information.


Contrast Media: Safety Issues and ESUR Guidelines (Medical Radiology) 3rd ed

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This is the third edition of a very successful book that originally emerged from the work of a committee set up by the European Society of Urogenital Radiology in 1994 to consider the safety of contrast media used for diagnostic imaging. The new edition not only fully updates the previous edition, but also includes new chapters on complex topics such as pediatric issues and practical aspects of off-label contrast media use. Comprehensive consideration is given to the many different safety issues relating to iodine-based contrast media, gadolinium-based contrast media, microbubbles for ultrasound, and barium sulfate. The text includes chapters on both acute and delayed non-renal adverse reactions and on renal adverse reactions. All of the questions frequently raised in radiological practice are addressed. This book, presented in a handy, easy-to-use format, provides an invaluable, unique, and unparalleled source of information.


Pediatric and Adolescent Urologic Imaging

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Pediatric and Adolescent Urologic Imaging provides a comprehensive reference for health care providers of children and adolescents with urologic conditions. This is the first book in which each chapter is written collaboratively by at least one author from each specialty. This unique approach melds the expertise of each specialist and offers it to the reader in a manner aimed at reinforcing the integration of clinical information to radiologic imaging.

The book is arranged into two sections allowing for easy access to the information. The first section covers the principles of each radiologic modality as well as radiation safety and the history of uroradiology.  The second section integrates the lessons of the first section into specific urologic conditions arranged anatomically and includes additional unique conditions.

      Pediatric and Adolescent Urologic Imaging is a key reference for pediatric urologists and radiologists as well as primary care providers, general urologists and radiologists, fellows, residents, medical students, and mid-level providers.


Intraoperative Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy

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From the Back Cover

Image-guided therapy (IGT) uses imaging to improve the localization and targeting of diseased tissue and to monitor and control treatments. During the past decade, image-guided surgeries and image-guided minimally invasive interventions have emerged as advances that can be used in place of traditional invasive approaches.  Advanced imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and positron emission tomography (PET) entered into operating rooms and interventional suites to complement already-available routine imaging devices like X-ray and ultrasound.  At the same time, navigational tools, computer-assisted surgery devices, and image-guided robots also became part of the revolution in interventional radiology suites and the operating room.


Intraoperative Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy explores the fundamental, technical, and clinical aspects of state-of the-art image-guided therapies.  It presents the basic concepts of image guidance, the technologies involved in therapy delivery, and the special requirements for the design and construction of image-guided operating rooms and interventional suites.  It also covers future developments such as molecular imaging-guided surgeries and novel innovative therapies like MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery.


IGT is a multidisciplinary and multimodality field in which teams of physicians, nurses, and other professionals, such as physicists, engineers, and computer scientists, collaborate in performing these interventions, an approach that is reflected in the organization of the book.   Contributing authors include members of the  National Center of Image-Guided Therapy program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and  international leaders in the field of IGT.


Ovarian Neoplasm Imaging

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Luca Saba MD, is a researcher in the field of Multi-Detector-Row Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Ultrasound, Neuroradiology, and Diagnostic in Vascular Sciences. His works, as lead author, achieved more than 120 high impact factor, peer-reviewed Journals. He is well known speaker and has spoken over 45 times at national and international levels. Dr. Saba has won 12 scientific and extracurricular awards during his career.

U Rajendra Acharya, PhD, DEng is is a visiting faculty in biomedical engineering department at the Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore. He is also adjunct professor at the University of Malaya, Malaysia, adjunct faculty at Singapore Institute of Technology – University of Glasgow, Singapore, and associate faculty at Singapore Institute of Management University, Singapore. He has published more than 285 papers, including 178 papers in refereed international SCI-IF (Science Citation Index – Impact Factor) journals, as well as international conference proceedings (48), textbook chapters (62), and books (16).

Stefano Guerriero MD, Born Siracusa (Italy) 10 October 1961. Medical doctor University of Pisa  24 October 1988. Postgraduate in Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Pisa october 1992. His works, as lead author, achieved more than 130 high impact factor, peer-reviewed, Journals as British Medical Journal, Americal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fertility and Sterility, Human Reproduction, Journal of Ultrasound in medicine, Menopause, Maturitas, Ultrasound Obstetrics and Gynecology. Until now Associate Professor of obstetrics and Gynecology University of Cagliari.. Editor of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology from 2011

Jasjit S. Suri, MS, PhD, MBA
 is an innovator, visionary, scientist, and an internationally known world leader in the field of Healthcare Imaging and biomedical devices. Dr. Suri was the recipient of Director General’s Gold medal in 1980 and the Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), awarded by National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC in 2004. Dr. Suri has been the chairman of IEEE Denver section, has won over 50 awards during his career including project, program and regulatory management, and has held several executive positions.

About the Author

Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention: A Textbook of Coronary, Peripheral, and Structural Heart Disease, Second Edition 2nd Edition

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Interventional cardiology refers to the catheter-based treatment of cardiovascular diseases and is one of the fastest growing fields in medicine. This updated text addresses recent advances in structural heart interventions, in particular aortic and mitral valve procedures. The advent of newer technologies presents both opportunities and challenges for the cardiologist to treat patients optimally. Interventional cardiologists are now at the forefront of peripheral and structural heart interventions.

This new edition focuses on tailoring treatment to individual patients, taking into account specific risk factors and comorbidities, and appropriate use of devices. This second edition also provides useful tools, such as treatment algorithms, evidence tables, charts, tables, and illustrations to enhance the value of this volume as a practical reference tool. The online edition also includes several “how-to” videos.


Shape Analysis in Medical Image Analysis (Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics)

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This book contains thirteen contributions from invited experts of international recognition addressing important issues in shape analysis in medical image analysis, including techniques for image segmentation, registration, modelling and classification and applications in biology, as well as in cardiac, brain, spine, chest, lung and clinical practice.

This volume treats topics such as for example, anatomic and functional shape representation and matching; shape-based medical image segmentation; shape registration; statistical shape analysis; shape deformation; shape-based abnormity detection; shape tracking and longitudinal shape analysis; machine learning for shape modeling and analysis; shape-based computer-aided-diagnosis; shape-based medical navigation; benchmark and validation of shape representation, analysis and modeling algorithms.

This work will be of interest to researchers, students and manufacturers in the fields of artificial intelligence, bioengineering, biomechanics, computational mechanics, computational vision, computer sciences, human motion, mathematics, medical imaging, medicine, pattern recognition and physics.


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