Colorectal Cancer Screening and Computerized Tomographic Colonography: A Comprehensive Overview

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From the Back Cover

Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography

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In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the clinical applications of coronary angiography techniques. Coronary MRA can be instrumental in the evaluation of congenital coronary artery anomalies, however, the complexity of advanced MR pulse sequences and strategies may be overwhelming to many. Coronary MR Angiography demystifies the art of coronary MRA by providing a text in plain language with clearly illustrated imaging steps and protocols. Designed to bridge the gap between radiology and cardiology, it is written for physicians and scientists planning to incorporate this technique into their research or practice.

“This book presents a comprehensive account of the emerging role of MRI in the assessment of the human coronary arterial tree. André Duerinckx has gathered together physicians and scientists from North America, Europe and the UK who are experts in their field to discuss the topic in depth. … The authors deal well with a difficult and evolving topic. The discussions are up to date and complete … .” (Richard E. Slaughter, Australasian Radiology, Vol. 47 (3), 2003)

“Since the 1990s several groups worldwide have explored the potential of magnetic resonance to substitute conventional coronary angiography. One of the pioneers was Dr. André Duerinckx, who, in his current book … has brought together the experience and expertise of the different groups. … this well illustrated book gives an excellent overview of coronary MR angiography, and can be recommended for all those who are active in the field of cardiac imaging and for those interested in starting imaging in this very exciting domain.” (J. Bogaert, European Radiology, Vol. 13 (6), 2003)

“The book pleasantly surprised me in several ways. First, the book is easy to read. … Second, the book is well organized. … Finally, this book is balanced. … In summary, the book has a wealth of accessible, readable information about the technical aspects of coronary MR angiography and cardiac MR imaging. This will be a useful resource for anyone involved or interested in cardiac MR imaging at any level.” (Philip A. Araoz, Radiology, September, 2003)


Incidental Radiological Findings (Medical Radiology) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy: Principles, Practices, and Treatment Planning

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This book serves as a practical guide for the use of carbon ions in cancer radiotherapy. On the basis of clinical experience with more than 7,000 patients with various types of tumors treated over a period of nearly 20 years at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, step-by-step procedures and technological development of this modality are highlighted. The book is divided into two sections, the first covering the underlying principles of physics and biology, and the second section is a systematic review by tumor site, concentrating on the role of therapeutic techniques and the pitfalls in treatment planning.

Readers will learn of the superior outcomes obtained with carbon-ion therapy for various types of tumors in terms of local control and toxicities. It is essential to understand that the carbon-ion beam is like a two-edged sword: unless it is used properly, it can increase the risk of severe injury to critical organs. In early series of dose-escalation studies, some patients experienced serious adverse effects such as skin ulcers, pneumonitis, intestinal ulcers, and bone necrosis, for which salvage surgery or hospitalization was required. To preclude such detrimental results, the adequacy of therapeutic techniques and dose fractionations was carefully examined in each case. In this way, significant improvements in treatment results have been achieved and major toxicities are no longer observed. With that knowledge, experts in relevant fields expand upon techniques for treatment delivery at each anatomical site, covering indications and optimal treatment planning.

With its practical focus, this book will benefit radiation oncologists, medical physicists, medical dosimetrists, radiation therapists, and senior nurses whose work involves radiation therapy, as well as medical oncologists and others who are interested in radiation therapy.


Radiology for Surgeons in Clinical Practice

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This highly practical text is aimed at surgeons – both consultants and those in training who are interested in the advancing role played by imaging technology within surgical decision making. The first part of the book describes the principles of imaging, and the different imaging techniques available to the surgeon. The second part is symptom-based rather than organ-based, with the aim of providing a practical hands-on approach to imaging patients with common surgical complaints. Helpful bullet-points will assist the surgeon to better understand the imaging options available to them, and choose the correct modalities using a problem-based approach.


Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury: Postmortem CT Scanning 1st Edition

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Practitioners of forensic medicine have various tools at their disposal to determine cause of death, and today’s computed tomography (CT) can provide valuable clues if images are interpreted properly. Forensic Pathology of Fractures and Mechanisms of Injury: Postmortem CT Scanning is a guide for the forensic pathologist who wants to use CT imaging to assist in determining the mechanism of injury that might have contributed to death.

Advice from a forensic pathologist using CT images in daily practice

Drawn from the author’s work at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, the book presents an overview of his experience with CT in routine casework, provides an appraisal of the literature with respect to fractures, and offers suggestions for the evaluation of CT images by pathologists. He then suggests what reasonable conclusions can be drawn from the images, the circumstances surrounding the death, and an external examination of the deceased.

Includes images and case studies

Enhanced with hundreds of CT images that clarify the text and case studies to put the material in context, the book begins by discussing classification of injuries and different types of fractures. It then explores the basics of CT. Next, the book gives a head-to-toe catalogue of various injuries and how they are represented on a CT scan. Finally, the book explores the use of CT in difficult forensic cases such as decomposed and burnt remains, falls, child abuse, and transportation incidents.

While not intended to make a forensic pathologist an expert at CT image interpretation, the book enables these professionals to become familiar with the technology so they can competently use it in their practice, heightening the accuracy of their cause of death determinations.


Magnetic Resonance of Myelination and Myelin Disorders 3rd Edition

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Our thanks go to our colleagues at the VU Univer- Preface to the Third Edition sity Medical Center and to those in other hospitals Reading through the prefaces of the two previous edi- who referred their patients to us. We are indebted to tions,we can say that much of what was said there still all colleagues who allowed us to use their MR images, holds. At the same time,however,much has changed. published or unpublished,making it possible for us to There has been immense progress in the technical present illustrations of nearly all known white matter possibilities of magnetic resonance and in the know- disorders. Two colleagues were particularly helpful ledge of genetic defects, biochemical abnormalities, and provided us with essential and unpublished f- and cellular processes underlying myelin disorders. ures: our friends Susan Blaser,from the Hospital for This immense progress has prompted us to embark Sick Children in Toronto,and Zoltán Patay,from the upon the enormous task of rewriting the previous King Faisal Hospital in Riyadh. edition and adding 40 chapters. In doing so we have Many people at the VU University Medical Center tried to cover most white matter disorders,hereditary have been of great technical help to us in producing and acquired,and to present a collection of images to high quality images and in providing secretarial illustrate the field to the fullest possible extent. This assistance. The contributions of these people are edition will therefore be more complete than the pre- mentioned separately in the acknowledgements.


Magnetic Source Imaging of the Human Brain 1st Edition

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This book is designed to acquaint serious students, scientists, and clinicians with magnetic source imaging (MSI)–a brain imaging technique of proven importance that promises even more important advances. The technique permits spatial resolution of neural events on a scale measured in millimeters and temporal resolution measured in milliseconds. Although widely mentioned in literature dealing with cognitive neuroscience and functional brain imaging, there is no single book describing both the foundations and actual methods of magnetoencephalopgraphy and its underlying science, neuromagnetism. This volume fills a long-standing need, as it is accessible to scientists and students having no special background in the field, and makes it possible for them to understand this literature and undertake their own research.

A self-contained unit, this book covers MSI from beginning to end, including its relationship to allied technologies, such as electroencephalography and modern functional imaging modalities. In addition, the book:
*introduces the field to the non-specialist, providing a framework for the rest of the book;
*provides a thorough review of the physiological basis of MSI;
*describes the mathematical bases of MSI–the forward and inverse problems;
*outlines new signal processing methods that extract information from single-trial MEG;
*depicts the early, as well as the most recent versions of MSI technology;
*compares MSI with other imaging methodologies;
*describes new paradigms and analysis techniques in applying MSI to study human perception and cognition, which are also applicable to EEG; and
*reviews some of the most important results in MSI from the most prominent researchers and laboratories around the world.


Head and Neck Radiology (2 Volumes) 1 Har/Psc Edition

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Written and edited by acknowledged masters in the field, this two-volume full-color text is the most comprehensive and current reference on head and neck radiology. It features more than 10,000 images and covers every disorder in every region of the head and neck.

The first two sections cover applied imaging fundamentals and general pathology, pathophysiology, patterns of disease, and natural history of head and neck disorders correlated with imaging appearance. Subsequent sections focus on specific anatomic regions: the eye, orbit, visual pathways, and cranial nerves III, IV, and VI; sinonasal and craniofacial region including cranial nerve V; temporal bone, posterior skull base, posterior fossa, and cranial nerves VII-XII; infrahyoid neck and cervico-thoracic junction (thoracic inlet); thyroid and parathyroid glands; major salivary glands; nasopharynx; oropharynx; oral cavity and floor of the mouth; larynx, hypopharynx, and cervical esophagus; trachea; hypopharynx; and cervical esophagus. The text covers all current imaging modalities, including plain film, MRI, CT, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine including PET.

A companion website will offer the fully searchable text and images. The first two sections will be online only.


Brain Metastases: Advanced Neuroimaging 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

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