Cellular Imaging: Electron Tomography and Related Techniques (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) 1st ed. 2018 Edition
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This book explains the underlying rationale for retinal and choroidal imaging in the context of systemic diseases. Various systemic diseases involve the eyes, and for some, the eyes could provide the first clue to their presence. Advances in posterior segment imaging have significantly improved our understanding of the pathophysiology and management of posterior segment diseases. However, imaging techniques like enhanced depth imaging, oximetry, adaptive optics, and retinal blood flowmetry have remained largely unexplored in connection with systemic diseases. Enhancing the available literature on the use of such imaging techniques for various systemic diseases, this handbook will help readers understand their pathomechanisms, supporting early diagnosis and more targeted therapeutic approaches. As such, it offers an essential resource for ophthalmologists, especially those with predominantly vitreo-retinal and uvea experience.
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This book aims to provide readers with a sound understanding of the spectrum of radiologic appearances of bone tumors, which reflect histopathology, and the pattern analysis of imaging findings.The first part of the book explains basic concepts and diagnostic parameters, including demographics, lesion location, biological activity, matrix mineralization, and endosteal and periosteal reactions. In the second part, typical and atypical radiologic features of bone tumors are reviewed in detail, with emphasis on the characteristic radiographic and MR imaging findings and reference to schematic drawings and pathologic or operative images when appropriate.The third part focuses on problem solving in cases encountered in real radiology practice and identifies categorical patterns on the basis of radiographic and MR variables and lesion location. Informative cases are illustrated and compared to enhance understanding of differential diagnosis using pattern analysis. The final part of the book helps readers to consolidate what they have learned and to hone their diagnostic reasoning skills by presenting about 30 typical bone tumor cases with questions, answers, and commentary.
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This superbly illustrated book offers comprehensive and systematic coverage of the pitfalls that may arise during musculoskeletal imaging, whether as a consequence of the imaging technique itself or due to anatomical variants or particular aspects of disease. The first section is devoted to technique-specific artifacts encountered when using different imaging modalities and covers the entire range of advanced methods, including high-resolution ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Advice is provided on correct imaging technique. In the second section, pitfalls in imaging interpretation that may occur during the imaging of trauma to various structures and of the diseases affecting these structures are described. Misleading imaging appearances in such pathologies as inflammatory arthritides, infections, metabolic bone lesions, congenital skeletal dysplasis, tumors and tumor-like conditions are highlighted, and normal variants are also identified.
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A concise, superbly illustrated (print + electronic) textbook that brings together a reliable, clear and up to date guide to surface anatomy and its underlying gross anatomy, combined with a practical application of ultrasound and other imaging modalities.
A thorough understanding of surface anatomy remains a critical part of clinical practice, but with improved imaging technology, portable ultrasound is also fast becoming integral to routine clinical examination and effective diagnosis.
This unique new text combines these two essential approaches to effectively understanding clinical anatomy and reflects latest approaches within modern medical curricula. It is tailored specifically to the needs of medical students and doctors in training and will also prove invaluable to the wide range of allied health students and professionals who need a clear understanding of visible and palpable anatomy combined with anatomy as seen on ultrasound.
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Be prepared to meet the ARRT competency requirements! These procedure checklists make it easy. To qualify for your certification exam, you must demonstrate your competency in all 36 mandatory procedures and in at least 15 of the 30 elective procedures—and your instructors must verify your proficiencies.
First, you can use the checklists to review the procedures in preparation for the exam and to develop decision-making skills that will produce the highest quality radiographs while considering the needs and limitations of the patient. Then, your instructors can use them to record their evaluation of your competency for each procedure. And, finally, program directors can use them to verify to the ARRT that the you have demonstrated the required competencies and proficiencies.
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This book introduces the classical and modern image reconstruction technologies. It covers topics in two-dimensional (2D) parallel-beam and fan-beam imaging, three-dimensional (3D) parallel ray, parallel plane, and cone-beam imaging. Both analytical and iterative methods are presented. The applications in X-ray CT, SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography), PET (positron emission tomography), and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are discussed. Contemporary research results in exact region-of-interest (ROI) reconstruction with truncated projections, Katsevichs cone-beam filtered backprojection algorithm, and reconstruction with highly under-sampled data are included.
The last chapter of the book is devoted to the techniques of using a fast analytical algorithm to reconstruct an image that is equivalent to an iterative reconstruction. These techniques are the authors most recent research results.
This book is intended for students, engineers, and researchers who are interested in medical image reconstruction. Written in a non-mathematical way, this book provides an easy access to modern mathematical methods in medical imaging.
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An integrated, comprehensive survey of biomedical imaging modalities
An important component of the recent expansion in bioengineering is the area of biomedical imaging. This book provides in-depth coverage of the field of biomedical imaging, with particular attention to an engineering viewpoint.
Suitable as both a professional reference and as a text for a one-semester course for biomedical engineers or medical technology students, Introduction to Biomedical Imaging covers the fundamentals and applications of four primary medical imaging techniques: magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and X-ray/computed tomography.
Taking an accessible approach that includes any necessary mathematics and transform methods, this book provides rigorous discussions of:
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Now fully updated with more than 2,000 new images, 200 new videos, and new content throughout, Diagnostic Ultrasound, 5th Edition, by Drs. Carol M. Rumack and Deborah Levine, remains the most comprehensive and authoritative ultrasound resource available. Spanning a wide range of medical specialties and practice settings, it provides complete, detailed information on the latest techniques for ultrasound imaging of the whole body; image-guided procedures; fetal, obstetric, and pediatric imaging; and much more. Up-to-date guidance from experts in the field keep you abreast of expanding applications of this versatile imaging modality and help you understand the “how” and “why” of ultrasound use and interpretation.
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Written by two of the world’s most respected specialists in the field, Thoracic Imaging: Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Radiology, Third Edition brings you completely up to date with all you need to know for optimal imaging of the heart and lungs. This comprehensive title provides practical, authoritative guidance for the radiologic assessment and diagnosis of both congenital and acquired cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. A must-have reference for more than ten years, Thoracic Imaging is your one-stop source for current, accurate coverage of pulmonary infections, diffuse lung diseases, mediastinal masses, coronary artery CT, myocardial disease, pericardial disease, CT of ischemic heart disease, and much more.
Key Features:
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: