Pretest Neurology 10th edition

Pretest Neurology 10th edition

Ace Your Clerkship and Shelf Exam!

PreTest® is a name you can trust for exam review. 
Neurology: PreTest® is the perfect way to assess your knowledge for the neurology shelf exam and the USMLE Step 2 CK exam. You’ll find hundreds of Board questions and answers that address the clerkship’s core competencies, along with detailed explanations of both correct and incorrect answers. All questions have been reviewed by students who completed their clerkships and passed the USMLE Step 2 CK exam―and know what it takes to succeed.

  • Hundreds of practice questions and answers, reflecting the content and terminology you’ll see on your exams
  • For common neurologic conditions, pathophysiologic explanations have been added, as well as diagnostic pearls and management strategies
  • Fully updated to include the latest AAN treatment guidelines, neurologic therapeutics and neurologic electrodiagnostic and imaging techniques
  • Detailed explanations for right and wrong answers
  • Targets what you need to know for exam success
  • Student tested and reviewed