Pediatric Oncologic Pharmacy: A Complete Guide to Practice

Pediatric Oncologic Pharmacy: A Complete Guide to Practice
There are few publications about chemotherapy in children, and none of them is a book aimed at pharmacists. Pediatric Oncology Pharmacy is an area where more and more specific knowledge is required in daily practice. Pharmacists who work in pediatric oncology area do not have a book directed at them; none of the oncopediatric books addresses topics unique to pharmacy — such as manipulation of cytotoxic drugs for children, analysis of oncopediatric prescriptions, clinical pharmacy in oncopediatrics, pharmaceutical care in oncopediatric area, and other subjects that are of exclusive interest to these professionals, but no less essential for a therapy of excellence. As for this need, the purpose of this book is to be a guideline for all subjects that pediatric oncology pharmacists need to know to work in this area. It will be an essential guide to pediatric oncology pharmacists, clinical pharmacists, pharmaceutical residents who work with drug therapy in children and pharmaceutical researchers. It will be a pocket guide to assist in daily practice, and it will be essential to Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology Institutions. The essential propose of this book is to be the first one focusing pediatric oncology for pharmacists.