Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An Evidence-based Text for MRCOG

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This second edition of the innovative text, modelled on the current MRCOG curriculum, provides all the information that is required by the trainee and specialist during training and when preparing for the MRCOG examination. This book is divided into three Parts – General, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Sub-sections within these major areas are broadly based upon the elements of the curriculum that are highlighted within the RCOG trainee logbook. To ensure consistency of approach throughout the book, all elements within each Part have been written to a template structure, adherence to which has been strictly enforced by the expert editorial team. Each element opens with an introductory section of ‘MRCOG standards’, highlighting the ‘Theoretical knowledge’ and ‘Practical skills’ relevant to the discussion that follows. Within the discussion, clear sub-divisions of the text under standardized headings ensure ease of reference. Each element concludes with a brief list of key references as an aid to further study. Throughout the clinical elements of the text the supporting evidence for efficacy of the interventions described has been presented according to the guidelines of the RCOG. Recommendations for medical, surgical, psychological and complementary treatment and diagnostic tests are all subject to this appraisal, a feature unique among obstetrics and gynaecology textbooks at this level. This textbook has establsihed itself as an indispensable guide to the specialty for all trainee obstetricians and gynaecologists in preparation for the MRCOG examination and beyond.




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