MasterCases in Hand and Wrist Surgery 1st Edition

MasterCases in Hand and Wrist Surgery 1st Edition
Thieme congratulates Kevin D. Plancher on being chosen by New York magazine for its prestigious Best Doctors 2015 list.
From treating rheumatoid arthritis to tendon repair, this lavishly illustrated text examines nearly 100 cases of common elbow, hand and wrist surgeries as performed by leading experts. You will review techniques for treating compression neuropathy, amputations, arthroscopic procedures, joint reconstruction, and arthrodesis, demonstrated by high-quality, full-color intraoperative photographs, x-rays, and illustrations. A practical refresher when planning your operative strategy, as well as a useful general reference, the book offers such special features as:
- More than 200 color illustrations that provide dynamic representations for easy visualization of techniques
- Combines both trauma and elective surgery in one convenient volume
- Pearls and pitfalls to help avoid complications and problems
- Step-by-step descriptions of the newest techniques for carpal tunnel syndrome, arthroscopic assisted distal radius fixation, scaphoid percutaneous reduction, and more!
- Each chapter written by experienced specialists who perform these surgeries on a daily basis
Incorporating both outstanding graphics and clear, practical information, this book is a must for orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, emergency room physicians, trauma specialists, plastic surgeons, residents, and fellows. It is also an ideal way to prepare for the CAQ in hand surgery, and to “confer” with your colleagues on the most current and effective surgical techniques for the hand and wrist