Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine, 9e 9th Edition

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The ninth edition of this best-selling textbook of clinical medicine builds even further on its formidable, prize-winning formula of excellence, comprehensiveness and accessibility.
‘This book is stunning in its breadth and ease-of-use. It still remains the “gold standard”, thorough guide to clinical medicine its forefathers were.’ BMA Medical Book Awards judges.
New to this edition:
- 2 new chapters: Global Health and Women’s Health.
- 25 new authors.
- New online editor, Adam Feather, with a team of young doctors to augment the e-book which accompanies the print book with clinical tips, key learning points, drug tips, learning challenges, case studies and MCQs.
- Full text redesign to incorporate:
New system overview diagrams for clinical chapters.
New coloured headings to help identify content relating to disease, management, investigations etc.
New icons to aid text navigation.
11 new members and a new co-editor, Senaka Rajapakse, of the International Advisory Board.
Edited by Kumar and Clark, clinicians and educators of world-renowned expertise.
Authors comprise consultants at the top of their fields, paired with younger doctors closer to the exam experience, to ensure authority and relevance.
Enhanced e-book accompanies the print book, for ease of transportation and use on the move.
International Advisory Board, led by Professor Janaka de Silva and Professor Senaka Rajapakse, providing guidance for global coverage from across the world.
Contributions to the e-book by members of the International Advisory Board to amplify areas of clinical importance in their parts of the world
2 new chapters
- Women’s health
- Global health
25 new young consultant authors teamed with clinicians at the top of their career, to ensure the text is accessible for students and trainees.
A new role of online Editor. Adam Feather and his team of young doctors, have created (in the e-book) a host of embedded features including: chapter summaries, key-point boxes, self-assessment, top tips, extra content (videos and images) and more… They have focused on enabling more inexperienced learners to interpret the detail, navigate the content effectively and get the most from the text.
New co-editor for the International Advisory Board, Professor Senaka Rajapakse from the University of Colombo.
11 new members of the International Advisory Board.
9 new online international articles, including:
- Ebola
- Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
- Visceral Leishmaniasis
New features
Full text re-design
- New diagrammatic anatomy and physiology overviews at the beginning of clinical systems chapters
- Coloured headings to help distinguish sciences, procedures, etc.
- New icons to aid text navigation
- Divided into three sections for greater ease of navigation:
- Good Medical Practice
- Clinical Sciences
- Clinical Practice
Bigger chapters unbundled into smaller chapters for ease of access.
- Clinical Pharmacy now separate from Poisoning
- STIs and HIV now separate from Infectious Disease
- Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Disease now separate from Liver
- Rheumatic Disease now separate from Bone Disease
- Lipid and Metabolic Disease now separate from Diabetes Mellitus
Coming soon: Semantic zoom – an online text summarising tool which will provide stages of the book’s content in decreasing levels of detail according to your need: from the full text to the bare essentials. Keep checking your registered e-book for updates!
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