Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology 3rd ed

Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology 3rd ed

Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology 3rd ed

This new edition of the principal reference on occupational dermatology provides the most comprehensive updated overview of its clinical management. It contains a number of new and heavily revised chapters, taking into account recent developments in the understanding and clinical management of occupational dermatitis. Since its first publication in 2000, it has served as the main reference on the topic for general and occupational dermatologists, occupational physicians, and health workers in other fields. It provides a comprehensive overview of clinical appearances, epidemiology, diagnostic approaches, contact materials, patient care, and prevention.

This third edition of Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology has been revised and extended to take into account recent developments. The emphasis is very much on evidence-based dermatology, and the coverage is both completely up-to-date and exceptionally detailed. The layout allows for both in-depth reading and quick access to practical information, with the inclusion of concise tables, algorithms, and figures on how to optimize the diagnostic procedure for daily patient management. It continues to ensure that experts and students alike are acquainted with newly emerging conditions and the latest advances.







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