Fundamentals of Cardiology: For the USMLE and General Medics 2015th Edition

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Must read cardiology book for USMLE step 1,2,3, ABFM/ABIM exams and nurse practitioners!!
* Fundamentals of Cardiology is an accurate and comprehensive cardiology review book that guarantees success on the cardiology section of any USMLE or ABIM exams.
* The book begins with high-yield clinical concepts of embryology, anatomy, physiology and pharmacology that will be helpful for any new learner.
* After reviewing preclinical chapters, you’ll find a section of high-yield pathology and their managements presented in a quick and easy reading format. The key features of this book represent the most recent evidence-based cardiology guidelines that every general doctor or student must know, and does not represent any personal or clinical practice.
* This book does not make you memorize mnemonic, but rather tells you exactly what the first and next steps are in managements. This extraordinary method is the key to your success on USMLE board exams and will distinguish you from others who have not read this book.
* All of this information is covered throughout a comprehensive 276 pages, making it an excellent review guide for anyone interested in reviewing high-yield concepts of cardiology or to those who are scoring low in the cardiology section of their exam.



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