Essentials of Medical Microbiology

Essentials of Medical Microbiology

Essentials of Medical Microbiology

This book is prepared according to new MBBS curriculum and the content of the book was modified from the traditional organism-based teaching to system-based teaching. The content has been updated, concised and reshuffled – the three major types of changes incorporated in this edition. Parasitology has also been incorporated into this book under the respective infective syndromes, thus obviates the reading of a separate parasitology book. The reduction of the content is made by keeping the perspective of an Indian medical graduate in mind. The book is categorized into two parts, which is further divided into eleven sections. What is new in this edition? This is the only textbook in ‘Clinical Microbiology’ based on infective syndromes, in accordance with the revised competency based MBBS curriculum. Divided into two parts: (i) General Microbiology, Immunology and Hospital Infection Control and (Il) Systemic Microbiology. Systemic Microbiology (Infectious Diseases)―eight sections, each comprises of a first chapter on clinical infective syndrome followed by several chapters covering detailed information about the etiological agents. Chapters on Clinical Infective Syndromes―represent the first chapter of every Systemic Microbiology section; covers various infective syndromes pertaining to that system in detail. Parasitology has been Incorporated― obviates the reading of a separate book. Various parasitic infections have been discussed under respective infective syndromes. Hospital Infection Control Section―thoroughly updated with the inclusion of new topics such as major HAI types, monitoring of antimicrobial stewardship, escalation vs de-escalation strategy, donning/doffing of PPE and transmission-based precautions. General Microbiology Section―meticulously restructured with the inclusion of general virology, general parasitology and general mycology chapters.