Davis’s NCLEX-RN® Success 3rd Edition

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All of the ingredients for NCLEX-RN® success are here! Just follow Sally Lambert Lagerquist’s study plan and you’ll join the thousands who have passed their exams with her guidance.

The 3rd Edition of this popular resource has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the newest Test Plan. You’ll find more questions than ever before, including 1,000 brand-new questions—over 3,500 in all in the book and on the Mac/PC compatible CD-ROM.

There’s even a money-back guarantee and free phone consultation with the author for any student who uses the book and does not pass the exam.

I currently use the F.A. Davis NCLEX review book and love it. I have students that have come to me after failing the NCLEX and when I have them do questions from FA Davis, they comment that the questions are closer to the actual NCLEX.



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