Clinical Management of Children With Cochlear Implants, Second Edition Second Edition

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A comprehensive volume written by leading researchers, clinicians, and educators in the field, Clinical Management of Children With Cochlear Implants, Second Edition offers a guide for practitioners, instructors, and students. The book builds on over thirty-five years of collective experience in pediatric cochlear implantation and addresses contemporary practices. The authors share their expertise in such disciplines as otolaryngology, pediatrics, audiology, speech-language pathology, habilitation, education, electrophysiology, psychology, and clinical research. Although many of the chapters from the first edition remain relevant today, the field continues to evolve with advancements in technology, expanding indications, and patient demographics. The second edition reflects these changes with new topics and expanded updates, presenting up-to-date research findings with implications for clinical management of the pediatric implant population.
New to this edition:

  • New chapters on neurocognitive assessment, dual language learning, early literacy, family-centered habilitation, and development of evidence-based programs
  • Expanded chapters on device programming, education, and auditory brainstem implants
  • Updates in research and clinical practices in assessment and management

Expert contributors include: Frank R. Lin, Patricia A. Roush, John K. Niparko, Richard C. Seewald, Laurie S. Eisenberg, Margaret E. Winter, Kristina Celani Rousso, Ksenia A. Aaron, Elina Kari, Rick A. Friedman, Jace Wolfe, Erin C. Schafer, Ruth Litovsky , Carolyn J. Brown, Rachel Anna Scheperle, Viral D. Tejani, Eun Kyung Jeon, Shruti Balvalli Deshpande, Paul J. Abbas, Karen Iler Kirk, René H. Gifford, Kristin Uhler, Sigfrid D. Soli, Yun Zheng, Dianne Hammes Ganguly, Sophie E. Ambrose, Catherine Cronin Carotta, Liat Kishon-Rabin, Osnat Segal, Carren J. Stika, John F. Knutson, William G. Kronenberger, David B. Pisoni, Sharon L. Cushing, Blake C. Papsin, Yevgeniy R. Semenov, Howard W. Francis, Jane Freutel, Mary D. McGinnis, Jill A. Muhs, Debra Kay Schrader, Vicki L. Reynolds, W. Michael Douglas, Jean L. DesJardinRachel Umans and Dana L. Suskind. Karen C. Johnson, Susan Wiley, Jareen Meinzen-Derr, Holly F.B. Teagle, Lisa R. Park, Shuman He, Carlton J. Zdanski, Craig A. Buchman, Laurel M. Fisher, Amy S. Martinez, Jamie L. Glater, and Robert V. Shannon