Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 12th Edition

Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 12th Edition

Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 12th Edition

Learn the principles and skills you’ll need as a respiratory therapist! Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 12th Edition provides a solid foundation in respiratory care and covers the latest advances in this ever-changing field. Known as “the bible for respiratory care,” this text makes it easy to understand the role of the respiratory therapist, the scientific basis for treatment, and clinical applications. Comprehensive chapters correlate to the 2020 NBRC Exam matrices, preparing you for clinical and exam success. Written by noted educators Robert Kacmarek, James Stoller, and Albert Heuer, this edition includes new chapters on heart failure as well as ethics and end-of-life care, plus the latest AARC practice guidelines.

  • Updated content reflects the newest advances in respiratory care, preparing you to succeed in today’s health care environment.
  • UNIQUE! Mini-Clinis provide case scenarios challenging you to use critical thinking in solving problems encountered during actual patient care.
  • Decision trees developed by hospitals highlight the use of therapist-driven protocols to assess a patient, initiate care, and evaluate outcomes.
  • Rules of Thumb highlight rules, formulas, and key points that are important to clinical practice.
  • Learning objectives align with the summary checklists, highlighting key content at the beginning and at the end of each chapter, and parallel the three areas tested on the 2020 NBRC Exam matrices.
  • Learning resources on the Evolve companion website include an NBRC correlation guide, image collection, lecture notes, Body Spectrum electronic anatomy coloring book, and an English/Spanish glossary.
  • Student workbook provides a practical study guide reflecting this edition of the text, offering numerous case studies, experiments, and hands-on activities. Available separately.
  • Full-color design calls attention to the text’s special features and promotes learning.
  • Glossary includes key terms and definitions needed for learning concepts.
  • NEW Heart Failure chapter covers the disease that is the most frequent cause of unscheduled hospital admissions. 
  • NEW Ethics and End-of-Life Care chapter explains related issues and how to help patients and their families.
  • NEW! Improved readability makes the text easier to read and concepts easier to understand. 
  • NEW! Updated practice guidelines from the AARC (American Association for Respiratory Care) are included within the relevant chapters.
  • NEW! Updated chapters include topics such as arterial lines, stroke, ACLS, PALS, hemodynamics, polysomnography, waveform interpretation, and laryngectomy.
  • NEW! Streamlined format eliminates redundancy and complex verbiage.




Respiratory Medicine: Lecture Notes 10th Edition

Respiratory Medicine: Lecture Notes 10th Edition

In the newly revised Tenth Edition of Respiratory Medicine: Lecture Notes, a team of distinguished physicians delivers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the essentials of respiratory medicine, including a review of respiratory anatomy and physiology, as well as the aetiology, epidemiology, symptoms, and management of a wide range of respiratory diseases.

This edition offers self-assessment exercises in each chapter and a range of clinical images and scans showing the critical features of each disease. The book also offers:


  • A thorough introduction to history taking, examination, and investigations 
  • Comprehensive explorations of respiratory diseases, including upper respiratory tract infections and influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis 
  • Practical discussions of bronchiectasis, lung abscess, cystic fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 
  • In-depth examinations of lung transplantation 
  • A companion website featuring figures, key points, and interactive self-assessment questions

Perfect for medical students and respiratory nurses, Respiratory Medicine: Lecture Notes will also earn a place in the libraries of early-career medical doctors and residents with an interest in respiratory medicine.





Gender, Sex Hormones and Respiratory Disease: A Comprehensive Guide (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

Gender, Sex Hormones and Respiratory Disease: A Comprehensive Guide (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

This book discusses normal sex-related differences in lung structure and function and the role these differences play in lung disease. New research on the effects of sex hormone signaling on specific cell types of the lung has begun to reveal how these hormones may drive or prevent lung disease. Expertly written chapters examine the effects of sex hormones on normal pulmonary structure and function, hormone signaling in lung health, and specific diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, and lung cancer. Gender, Sex Hormones, and Respiratory Disease: A Comprehensive Guide focuses on our current understanding and the gaps in research, with suggestions for future directions and implications for therapy. This book is a useful reference for pulmonologists and researchers and will prompt further inquiry aimed at improving overall lung health.    


Interventional Bronchoscopy: A Clinical Guide (Respiratory Medicine) 2013th Edition

Interventional Bronchoscopy: A Clinical Guide (Respiratory Medicine) 2013th Edition

The field of interventional bronchoscopy is rapidly expanding and has emerged as a new and exciting subspecialty in pulmonary medicine. To date, the impact of interventional bronchoscopy procedures has been felt in diagnosis, staging, and management of lung cancer, the most lethal cancer worldwide.  Interventional Bronchoscopy: A Clinical Guide provides a state-of-the art description of interventional bronchoscopy procedures, addressing the scientific basis, indications, techniques, results, complications, and cost issues.  Chapters address the current status, the advantages of new techniques and, most importantly, when to choose new techniques over the existing techniques.  Each chapter will discuss the future of these procedures.  Interventional Bronchoscopy:  A Clinical Guide is an essential resource for a successful interventional pulmonology service and will be useful for the bronchoscopist, anesthesiologist, radiologist, thoracic surgeon and oncologist as well as practicing pulmonologists who do not perform these procedures but have to make decisions regarding appropriate referral of their patients to advanced airway centers.


Lung Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

Lung Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

This book addresses the manifestation of lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Lung disease in RA is common and often associated with significant morbidity and mortality. This stems partially from the nature of RA and partially from the many therapies used to manage RA that are associated with pneumotoxicity. Despite the severity and commonality of this comorbidity, little has been written on the topic. This book thus takes a multidisciplinary approach to provide: a concise overview of RA and why lung disease so commonly coincides with it; overviews of the specific lung diseases, including interstitial lung disease, and their epidemiology, associated imaging, histopathology, biomarkers, and management; a presentation of risk factors for these diseases; and specifics on what still needs to be uncovered about these pulmonary manifestations. Lung Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis is a comprehensive and practical resource for clinicians and clinician scientists in pulmonology, rheumatology, pathology, and primary care. 


Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide (Respiratory Medicine Book 9) 2014th Edition

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide (Respiratory Medicine Book 9) 2014th Edition

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide delivers a concise review of our current understanding of disease pathogenesis and provides current evidence in the medical literature regarding its diagnosis and management. Each chapter includes key points and a summary aiming to update clinicians about various issues concerning the diagnosis and management of IPF. In addition to outlining the current state of knowledge, each chapter also provides a summary of ongoing research and identifies the needs for future research in the field. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide is an important new text that provides its readers with a better understanding of the pathobiology and natural history of IPF as it continues to evolve.


Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung (Respiratory Medicine Book 2) 2013th Edition

Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung (Respiratory Medicine Book 2) 2013th Edition

Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge concerning normal deglutition and foregut digestive processes and examines how abnormalities of swallowing or excessive/abnormal GER can lead to respiratory tract dysfunction and lung disease.  In-depth Chapters deliver a concise review of the prevalence of GER in patients with lung disease and synthesize the current evidence regarding its diagnosis and management.  Each chapter includes key points and a summary.  In addition to outlining the current state of knowledge, each chapter provides a summary of ongoing research in the field and identifies the need for future research. Written by an international group of authors who are experts in their respective fields, Gastroesophageal Reflux and the Lung is a valuable resource for practicing clinicians, internists, pulmonologists and primary care personnel.


Global Climate Change and Public Health (Respiratory Medicine Book 7) 2014th Edition

Global Climate Change and Public Health (Respiratory Medicine Book 7) 2014th Edition

Pulmonary physicians and scientists currently have minimal capacity to respond to climate change and its impacts on health. The extent to which climate change influences the prevalence and incidence of respiratory morbidity remains largely undefined. However, evidence is increasing that climate change does drive respiratory disease onset and exacerbation as a result of increased ambient and indoor air pollution, desertification, heat stress, wildfires, and the geographic and temporal spread of pollens, molds and infectious agents. Preliminary research has revealed climate change to have potentially direct and indirect adverse impacts on respiratory health. Published studies have linked climate change to increases in respiratory disease, including the following: changing pollen releases impacting asthma and allergic rhinitis, heat waves causing critical care-related diseases, climate driven air pollution increases, exacerbating asthma and COPD, desertification increasing particulatematter (PM) exposures, and climate related changes in food and water security impacting infectious respiratory disease through malnutrition (pneumonia, upper respiratory infections). High level ozone and ozone exposure has been linked to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, and acute lower respiratory infection.

Global Climate Change and Public Health is an important new volume based on the research, findings, and discussions of US and international experts on respiratory health and climate change. This volume addresses issues of major importance to respiratory health and fills a major gap in the current literature.

The ATS Climate Change and Respiratory Health Workshop was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, on May 15, 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to address the threat to global respiratory health posed by climate change. The workshop was attended by domestic and international experts as well as representatives of international respiratory societies and key US federal agencies. Dr. Pinkerton and Dr. Rom, the editors of this title, were co-chairs of the Climate Change Workshop and Symposium.


Health Disparities in Respiratory Medicine 1st ed. 2016 Edition

Health Disparities in Respiratory Medicine 1st ed. 2016 Edition

This book discusses health disparities in respiratory medicine and suggests methods to reduce them. In the United States, health disparities are well documented in the care of patients with respiratory disorders, particularly among minorities who often have higher rates of disease and poorer health outcomes. Similarly, differences in health and health outcomes exist between differing socioeconomic groups, with lower income groups generally having poorer health and higher rates of chronic illness. Health Disparities in Respiratory Medicine investigates these differing outcomes through the complex connections between access and quality of treatment available to these groups. Chapters are organized around either causes, diseases, or types of care, including tobacco smoke exposure, environmental air quality, acute respiratory distress syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and end-of-life care. This volume is an ideal resource for pulmonologists, health care administrators, and policy makers who aim to understand disparities in respiratory medicine and take steps to improve the differences among groups.


Hematologic Abnormalities and Acute Lung Syndromes (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

Hematologic Abnormalities and Acute Lung Syndromes (Respiratory Medicine) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

This book provides a unique frame work for examining acute lung syndromes that arise from hematologic disorders or is defined by a hematologic abnormality as a key feature.  Acute lung processes arising from hematologic disorders can present as life-threatening conditions, and as such, the pulmonary physician or critical care physician are often directly involved in care or called upon to provide expertise. Chapters are organized into three sections, each with an emphasis on pathogenesis and current understanding of mechanisms. The text begins with the central theme of the lungs as the direct interface between the external environment and blood, description of individual components of the hematopoietic system, their function and relevance to the lungs. The second section outlines both benign and malignant primary hematologic disorders that can lead to acute pulmonary manifestations. The final section focuses on acute lung syndromes stemming from complications of transfusion and treatment. Chapters are presented in an easy-to-access format, providing information on diagnosis, management, and outcomes. This is a valuable resource for pulmonary fellows in training, pulmonologists, critical care physicians, and physicians involved in caring for patients in the ICU.


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