Skeel’s Handbook of Cancer Therapy Ninth Edition

Skeel’s Handbook of Cancer Therapy Ninth Edition

For more than 30 years, Skeel’s Handbook of Cancer Therapy (formerly Handbook of Cancer Chemotherapy ) has been the resource of choice for current, reliable information on cancer treatment for most adults. The 9th Edition reflects recent significant advances in the systemic treatment of cancer, including innovations in immunotherapy, oncology genomics, and molecular targeted therapy. An invaluable reference for all levels of physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals who provide care to cancer patients, this bestselling guide combines the most current rationale and the details necessary to safely administer pharmacologic therapy, offering a balanced synthesis between science and clinical practice.

  • new chapter on the Biologic Basis of Molecular Targeted Therapy , as well as a state-of-the-art review of the current development and use of novel immunotherapeutics , bring you up to date with the rationale and use of these newer agents in cancer treatment.
  • Completely updated throughout to reflect current best practices, including primary indications, usual dosage and schedule, special precautions, and expected toxicities for dozens of new drugs and biologic agents.
  • New contributors provide a fresh perspective on timely topics in cancer treatment and care.
  • An updated section on supportive care reflects this essential aspect of the oncology team’s focus.
  • Regularly updated Inkling content keeps you current with drug profiles and new immunotherapy advances.

Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like:

  • Complete content with enhanced navigation

Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web

  • Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation
  • Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text
  • Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
  • Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use


Advanced Skin Cancer: A Case-Based Approach 1st Edition

Advanced Skin Cancer: A Case-Based Approach 1st Edition

Advanced skin cancer is one that has already metastasized beyond its primary origin, or one that has invaded underlying tissues such that surgical resection either is technically impossible or would lead to an unacceptable functional or cosmetic outcome. These skin cancers present a complex problem that requires the input of multiple specialties to delineate the best management plan. National guidelines utilize the best available data to guide management decisions. However, there is considerable leeway within the guidelines, enabling the ultimate care decision to be molded to best fit each individual patient. This book aims to provide instructional examples of patient cases where the input of the multidisciplinary team is critical in providing the most suitable care plan for the patient.

CONTENTS: Melanoma * Squamous Cell Carcinoma * Basal Cell Carcinoma * Cutaneous Lymphoma * Kaposi’s Sarcoma * Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans * Merkel Cell Carcinoma * Rare Cancer Presentations


DNA Photodamage: From Light Absorption to Cellular Responses and Skin Cancer (Comprehensive Series in Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences) 1st Edition

DNA Photodamage: From Light Absorption to Cellular Responses and Skin Cancer (Comprehensive Series in Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences) 1st Edition

Induction of DNA damage by sunlight is a major deleterious event in living organisms. Recent developments have dramatically improved our understanding of the photochemical processes involved at the sub-picosecond time scale and along with next generation sequencing and data processing has generated a need for a complete up-to-date coverage of the field. Written in an accessible and comprehensive manner, DNA Photodamage will appeal to all scientists working in the area whether specialists in the discipline or not and provides a complete coverage of the field, from ultrafast spectroscopy to biomedical research. Bridging the gap between photophysical and photochemical research on model systems, and in vivo and in vitro biological studies, this book aims to identify the most important research trends in the field and review their major findings.


Detection Systems in Lung Cancer and Imaging (Volume 1)

Detection Systems in Lung Cancer and Imaging (Volume 1)

This book focuses on major trends and challenges in the detection of lung cancer, presenting work aimed at identifying new techniques and their use in biomedical analysis. Volume 1 examines the main applications of computer-aided diagnosis to lung cancer. It is ideal for academics, industry professionals and advanced students.


DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer Principles & Practice of Oncology Review Fifth Edition

DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer Principles & Practice of Oncology Review Fifth Edition

Based on DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, Eleventh Edition, this comprehensive review book covers the entire specialty of oncology, including new or expanded coverage of molecular biology; epidemiology and etiology; screen and prevention; genetics; clinical trials; and immunotherapy. Inside, readers will discover hundreds of multiple-choice and case-based questions, along with detailed answers and explanations to help explain the how and why behind each correct response. The ideal way to maximize exam scores for today’s student and residents!

Learning and review features include:

  • Hundreds of multiple-choice and case-based questions to build comprehension and improve retention.
  • All topics cross-referenced to the latest edition of DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, Eleventh Edition.
  • Material on all aspects of oncology, including medical, radiation and surgical oncology, as well as hematology/oncology issues

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience

  • such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.


Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C Illustrated Edition

Hepatitis and Liver Cancer: A National Strategy for Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B and C Illustrated Edition

The global epidemic of hepatitis B and C is a serious public health problem. Hepatitis B and C are the major causes of chronic liver disease and liver cancer in the world. In the next 10 years, 150,000 people in the United States will die from liver disease or liver cancer associated with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Today, between 800,000 and 1.4 million people in the United States have chronic hepatitis B and between 2.7 and 3.9 million have chronic hepatitis C. People most at risk for hepatitis B and C often are the least likely to have access to medical services. Reducing the rates of illness and death associated with these diseases will require greater awareness and knowledge among health care workers, improved identification of at-risk people, and improved access to medical care.

Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable disease. Although federal public health officials recommend that all newborns, children, and at-risk adults receive the vaccine, about 46,000 new acute cases of the HBV infection emerge each year, including 1,000 in infants who acquire the infection during birth from their HBV-positive mothers. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, which is transmitted by direct exposure to infectious blood.

Hepatitis and Liver Cancer identifies missed opportunities related to the prevention and control of HBV and HCV infections. The book presents ways to reduce the numbers of new HBV and HCV infections and the morbidity and mortality related to chronic viral hepatitis. It identifies priorities for research, policy, and action geared toward federal, state, and local public health officials, stakeholder, and advocacy groups and professional organizations.


Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology 5th Edition

Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology 5th Edition

First written by Philip Stell and Arnold Maran in 1972, Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology has been revised in both content and approach over the years to reflect the enormous progress made in the area. Now in its fifth edition, the book remains a key textbook for trainees in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.

Written with a strong multidisciplinary approach, the book has expanded considerably to include the expertise of international editors and contributing authors from a wide variety of backgrounds, including ENT, radiotherapy, plastic surgery, and maxillofacial surgery.

Key Features:

  • An international team of editors and contributors from a variety of different specialties
  • Thoroughly updated to include recent advances in molecular biology and diagnostic imaging
  • A greatly expanded section on reconstruction to reflect the importance of this area
  • An improved balance of content to enhance the multidisciplinary approach
  • Full-colour photos and illustrations throughout

As a first text for trainee head and neck and ENT surgeons or as a reference source for practitioners in a variety of related fields, Stell & Maran’s Textbook of Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology remains the best-illustrated and most up-to-date volume in its field.

Print Versions of this book also include access to the ebook version.


Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2024

Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2024

Completely revised and updated for 2024, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is an up-to-date guide to the latest information on standard therapy and recent advances in the field. Written by world-class experts in clinical cancer therapeutics, this essential reference provides a complete, easy-to-use catalogue of over 100 drugs and commonly used drug regimens–both on- and off-label–for the treatment of all the major cancers. Key Features: – Includes 12 new agents and several new supplemental indications that have all been approved by the FDA within the past year – Updated new indications for previously approved agents – Indications, drug doses and schedules, toxicities, and special considerations for each agent expanded and revised – A specific chapter focused on antiemetic treatment regimens for both acute and delayed nausea/vomiting – Diagrams of drug structures and pathways for many of the agents – A comprehensive discussion of clinical pharmacology, special considerations, indications, and dosages – Covers toxicity and drug-drug interactions – A section on chemotherapy regimens for all major cancers – Provides an overview of the basic principles of cancer drug therapy Your must-have Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is available for your iPhone, iPad, and Android


The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology 4th Edition

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology 4th Edition

The Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology is a clear, concise and comprehensive reference book for the busy clinician to use in his or her daily patient encounters. It focuses less on etiology, pathophysiology, and epidemiology, and considerably more on practical clinical information. Cancer management information is presented in a reader-friendly format that offers a comprehensive review of each disease along with the most commonly used treatment regimens, including chemotherapy dosing and schedules.

Clear, concise, complete reference book for busy clinician for daily patient management
User-friendly formatting – tables, algorithms, charts, bullet points
Contributors all from NIH (or they trained there)
Great for board exams
Organized by body region

New to this edition:
Add a chapter on Cancer Genetics and expand the Basics of Genomics for practicing oncologists to include the clinically relevant molecular tests.
Major addition will be to add about 5 board review question and answers per chapter – more than 200 board review questions
New treatment regimens added to all appropriate chapters
New clinical trial data added on treatment
More chemotherapeutic agents added (including newer regimens and dosages)


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