The Tumor Microenvironment of High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

The Tumor Microenvironment of High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

The Special Issue on high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and the contribution of the tumor microenviroment (TME) consists of reviews contributed by leaders in the OC field. As HGSOC metastases have a highly complex TME, there is an urgent need to better understand the TME in general, its distinct components in particular, and the role of the TME in the context of disease recurrence and development of chemoresistance. The Special Issue incorporates the current understanding of the different parts of thd TME components, including the cancer cells themselves, the cells surrounding the cancer cells or stromal cells, and the cells of the immune system, which are attracted to the site of metastases. In addition to these cells of the TME, the role of various cellular factors made by the cells of the TME are also the subject of the reviews. In addition, reviews in this Special Issue cover the complex relationships between the molecular mechanisms of HGSOC progression, including genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic changes and changes in the immune cell landscape, as these may provide attractive new molecular targets for HGSOC therapy.


Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 2-Volume Set (Hematology of Infancy and Childhood (Nathan & Oski’s)) 8th Edition

Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 2-Volume Set (Hematology of Infancy and Childhood (Nathan & Oski’s)) 8th Edition

Written by the leading names in pediatric oncology and hematology, Nathan and Oski’s Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood offers you the essential tools you need to overcome the unique challenges and complexities of childhood cancers and hematologic disorders. Meticulously updated, this exciting full-color, two-volume set brings together the pathophysiology of disease with detailed clinical guidance to provide you with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information for diagnosing and treating children.


  • Form a definitive diagnosis and create the best treatment plans possible with comprehensive coverage of all pediatric cancers, including less-common tumors, as well as all hematologic disorders, including newly recognized ones.
  • Develop a thorough, understanding ofthe underlying science of diseases through summaries of relevant pathophysiology balanced with clear, practical clinical guidance. Nathan and Oski’s is the only comprehensive product on the market that relates pathophysiology in such depth to hematologic and oncologic diseases affecting children.
  • Quickly and effortlessly access the key information you need with the help of a consistent organization from chapter to chapter and from volume to volume.
  • Stay at the forefront of your field thanks to new and revised chapters covering topics such as paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, lysosomal storage diseases, childhood genetic predisposition to cancer, and oncology informatics.

  • Learn about the latest breakthroughs in diagnosis and management, making this the most complete guide in pediatric hematology and oncology.

  • Discover the latest in focused molecularly targeted therapies derived from the exponential growth of knowledge about basic biology and genetics underlying the field.

  • Rely on it anytime, anywhere! Access the full text, images, and more at Expert Consult.


Walter and Miller’s Textbook of Radiotherapy: Radiation Physics, Therapy and Oncology – E-Book 8th Edition

Walter and Miller’s Textbook of Radiotherapy: Radiation Physics, Therapy and Oncology – E-Book 8th Edition

Walter and Miller’s Textbook of Radiotherapy is a key textbook for therapeutic radiography students as well as trainee clinical and medical oncologists, clinical physicists and technologists. The book is divided into 2 sections. The first section covers physics and provides a comprehensive review of radiotherapy physics. This section is designed to be non-physicist friendly, to simply and clearly explain the physical principles upon which radiotherapy and its technology are based. The second section is a systematic review by tumour site giving an up to date summary of radiotherapy practice. The title also covers the place of chemotherapy, surgery and non-radiotherapy treatments as well as the principles of cancer patient treatment including supportive care and palliative treatments. It is a comprehensive must-have resource for anyone studying therapeutic radiotherapy.

  • Highly illustrated in full colour including 350 photographs.
  • Clearly and simply explains the fundamental physics for clinicians
  • Gives an up to date summary of radiotherapy practice organised by tumour site making it very easy to navigate.
  • Describes the wide range of devices and clearly explains the principles behind their operation.
  • Comprehensively explains the calculation models of dose predictions for treatment preparation.
  • Heavy emphasis on how clinical trials have influenced current practice.
  • Shows how radiobiological knowledge has influenced current practice such as the fractionation regimens for breast and prostate cancer
  • Proton therapy; machines, dose measurement, covering the clinical advantages and pitfalls of this treatment modality.
  • New radiotherapy modalities such as stereotactic radiotherapy, types of intensity modulated radiotherapy and imaged guided radiotherapy are comprehensively covered as are recent advances in chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy.
  • In depth coverage of dose measurement and new devices.


Cancer Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Book 2748)

Cancer Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Book 2748) 

This volume details multiple areas of new and emerging methods to develop the next generation of immunotherapy treatments. Chapters guide readers through analysis and characterisation of the interactions between tumour and immune cells, and cell engineering tools for cancer treatment, to provide a unique and compelling set of techniques instrumental to work with, and engineer, immune cells. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.


Authoritative and cutting-edge, Cancer Immunotherapy: Methods and Protocols aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.


Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy 2nd Edition

Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy 2nd Edition


New edition covering the specialties of hematology, oncology and cellular therapy, now in two volumes

Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy, Second Edition includes hundreds of answers to practice-based questions covering the new principles of diagnosis, classification, staging, treatment, and outcomes in the rapidly advancing field of cancer. This textbook series also provides expert guidance in the areas of cancer-related uncertainties and controversies, including experience-based discussions. The book’s smaller size allows for easy access during medical rounds. This volume also includes:

  • Up-to-date clinically relevant information on the very latest topics such as molecular techniques, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, BMT, CAR T-cell therapy and translational cancer research
  • Sections on ALL, AML, myeloid neoplasms, CLL, Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, amongst other topics
  • Streamlined, engaging content to make finding information easier and less time consuming for the reader
  • Concise and practical expert perspectives that reference key studies
  • References to the latest NCCN, ESMO, ASH, ASTCT, EBMT and other national guidelines

With its powerful focus on pragmatic clinical diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic approaches, Cancer Consult: Expertise in Clinical Practice, Volume 2: Neoplastic Hematology & Cellular Therapy, Second Edition will help keep hematology, oncology and cellular therapy practitioners up-to-date, bridging the gaps between journal and reference literature, conferences, and their existing knowledge base. It also offers clinicians, trainees, and fellows an excellent opportunity to enhance their preparation for the ABIM, hematology and oncology fellowship and recertification exams.


Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics 1st Edition

Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics 1st Edition

Explore the past, present, and future of cancer cytogenetics

Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics, globally renowned researchers Drs. Sverre Heim and Felix Mitelman deliver a state-of-the-art review of how cancer cytogenetic analyses have contributed to an improved understanding of tumorigenesis as well as to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients. The book also discusses how cytogenetics – the study of chromosomes – meets, interacts with, and cross-fertilizes other investigative technologies, including molecular somatic cell genetics.

The book provides an impetus to think more deeply about the role chromosomes, and their abnormalities, play in health and disease, especially in neoplastic disorders. From which origins did cytogenetics develop? How did the finding of acquired chromosomal abnormalities in cells of leukemias and solid tumors influence our understanding of cancer as a biological process? How was information of this nature put to good use in the clinical management of cancer patients?

Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics offers readers:

  • A thorough introduction to ancient theories of disease, the advent of cellular pathology, and how a scientific interest in chromosomes developed
  • Comprehensive exploration of the conceptual importance of Theodor Boveri and his somatic mutation theory of cancer
  • A detailed chronological resume of cancer cytogenetic discoveries during the 20th century
  • In-depth discussions of the role of chromosome abnormalities, oncogenes, and tumor suppressor genes in leukemias, lymphomas, and solid tumors, together with a survey of what chromosome analyses have revealed about the clonal evolution of neoplastic cell populations
  • A discussion of the importance of pathogenetic classifications of neoplastic diseases, the role chromosome abnormalities play in this context, and which technological breakthroughs can be expected in chromosome-oriented cancer research

Abnormal Chromosomes: The Past, Present, and Future of Cancer Cytogenetics was written for everyone with a scientific or clinical interest in cancer, especially how acquired chromosome abnormalities lead to neoplastic transformation. The book teaches how cytogenetic analyses contribute to a better understanding of tumorigenesis, but also how the finding of specific chromosome aberrations can be crucial for the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of cancer patients.


Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions (Curbside Consultation in Gastroenterology)

Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions (Curbside Consultation in Gastroenterology)

Are you looking for concise, practical answers to questions that are often left unanswered by traditional cancer references that are not designed for gastroenterologists? Are you seeking brief, evidence-based advice for complicated cases or patients with complications that need management? Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions provides quick and direct answers to the thorny questions commonly posed during a “curbside consultation” between colleagues.

Dr. Douglas G. Adler has designed this unique reference, which offers expert advice, preferences, and opinions on tough clinical questions commonly associated with GI cancer. The unique Q&A format provides quick access to current information related to GI cancer with the simplicity of a conversation between two colleagues. Numerous images, diagrams, and references are included to enhance the text and to illustrate the treatment of GI cancer patients.

Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions provides information basic enough for residents while also incorporating expert advice that even high-volume clinicians will appreciate. Gastroenterologists, fellows and residents in training, surgical attendings, and surgical residents will benefit from the user-friendly and casual format and the expert advice contained within.

Some of the questions that are answered:
• An 81-year-old man is found to have unresectable esophageal cancer and malignant dysphagia. Should he have a stent? A nasogastric feeding tube? A PEG tube?
• How is tumor-related bleeding from gastric cancers best approached?
• Do patients with pancreatic cancer and jaundice need to have an ERCP preoperatively?
• What is the role of ERCP and EUS in patients with suspected cholangiocarcinoma?
• Why are rectal cancers so different from colon cancers with regards to medical and surgical management?

Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions illustrates how patients at different points in their treatment may go back and forth between specialists to receive coordination of care, and incorporates input from gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, and oncologists. While providing up-to-date information, this book will help gastroenterologists to manage complex cancer-related issues and guide physicians through the maze of cancer-related treatments available.

Ideal for practicing gastroenterologists, gastroenterology fellows, surgeons, oncologists, residents, and medical students, Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist: 49 Clinical Questions is sure to benefit anyone caring for patients with gastrointestinal cancers.


Computational Methods in Drug Discovery and Repurposing for Cancer Therapy 1st Edition

Computational Methods in Drug Discovery and Repurposing for Cancer Therapy 1st Edition

Computational Methods in Drug Discovery and Repurposing for Cancer Therapy provides knowledge about ongoing research as well as computational approaches for drug discovery and repurposing for cancer therapy. The book also provides detailed descriptions about target molecules, pathways, and their inhibitors for easy understanding and applicability.

The book discusses tools and techniques such as integrated bioinformatics approaches, systems biology tools, molecular docking, computational chemistry, artificial intelligence, machine learning, structure-based virtual screening, biomarkers, and transcriptome; those are discussed in the context of different cancer types, such as colon, pancreatic, glioblastoma, endometrial, and retinoblastoma, among others.

This book is a valuable resource for researchers, students, and members of the biomedical and medical fields who want to learn more about the use of computational modeling to better tailor the treatment for cancer patients.

  • Discusses in silico remodeling of effective phytochemical compounds for discovering improved anticancer agents for substantial/significant cancer therapy
  • Covers potential tools of bioinformatics that are applied toward discovering new targets by drug repurposing and strategies to cure different types of cancers
  • Demonstrates the significance of computational and artificial intelligence approaches in anticancer drug discovery
  • Explores how these various advances can be integrated into a precision and personalized medicine approach that can eventually enhance patient care


RNA-based Mechanisms in Cancer

RNA-based Mechanisms in Cancer 

The roles of gene transcription in cancer have long been appreciated. However, posttranscriptional processes also contribute significantly to alterations in gene expression that lead to tumor initiation, formation, and progression.

We have known for decades that alterations in the expression of key genes, such as those involved in cell proliferation, signaling, apoptosis, and immune responses, are major molecular events in cancer. This book presents our current understanding of selected posttranscriptional control mechanisms and the RNAs that they regulate. Each chapter provides an overview of a specific RNA-directed regulatory system and the RNA/protein factors involved, then discusses major findings in the field and their relationships to the development and/or treatment of cancer and associated diseases. Future questions serve to address ‘where do we go from here’ and stimulate the reader’s thinking about these important problems.

This compendium of chapters from experts in the field is essential reading for anyone interested in the myriad ways that RNAs contribute to tumorigenesis: from graduate students, researchers, and clinical scientists interested in mRNA processing and translation, RNA-binding proteins that promote turnover/stability of specific mRNAs, how small noncoding RNAs control inflammation and signaling, roles of the epitranscriptome, and future and emerging RNA-based, anti-tumor therapeutics.

Readership: Graduate students, researchers, and clinical scientists in the fields of RNA biology, non-coding RNAs, and cancer research/oncology.


Head and Neck Oncology: A Concise Guide 1st Edition

Head and Neck Oncology: A Concise Guide 1st Edition

This concise handbook has a unique approach and covers all important aspects of head and neck cancers from basic topics like carcinogenesis to advanced treatment options such as immunotherapy, electrochemotherapy, and robotic surgery in a succinct way. As every treatment center manages its patients with a different modality as per their institutional protocol, this book endeavors to standardize the processes by discussing the management of cancers of all anatomic areas in view of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines, which is the committee that prepares protocols for management of cancers and every head and which neck oncosurgeons must adhere to for their clinical practice.

Key Features

  • Explains the topics through flowcharts and diagrammatic representations that are helpful for exam preparation

  • This book aims to serve as a valuable resource for postgraduate residents of maxillofacial surgery, ENT and otolaryngology, general surgery, plastic surgery, and junior specialists

  • Serves as a comprehensive, evidence-based quick reference for the clinician on the go


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