AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition 4th Edition

AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition 4th Edition

Succinct, complete guidance on how to safely and competently care for adult progressive care patients and their families – written by top clinical experts

Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), this acclaimed textbook sets the standard for progressive care nursing education. Recognizing the learner’s need to assimilate foundational knowledge before attempting to master more complex progressive care nursing concepts, the book features a practical building-block organization that starts with the basics and logically moves on to advanced topics.

Bolstered by helpful tables and Essential Content cases, 
AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition is an essential tool for clinicians at the point of care, and those preparing for PCCN® certification in progressive care nursing.

AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing is divided into four sections:

The Essentials presents essential information that clinicians must understand to provide safe, competent nursing care to progressive care patients, regardless of their underlying medical diagnoses.
Pathologic Conditions covers pathologic conditions and management strategies commonly encountered among adult, progressive care patients.
Advanced Concepts in Caring for the Progressive Care Patient presents advanced progressive care concepts or pathologic conditions that are less common or require more specialized management.
Key Reference Information features normal laboratory and diagnostic values; pharmacology tables; and summary tables of cardiac rhythms, ECG characteristics, and treatment guides.

Learning aids include Knowledge Competencies to gauge progress, Principles of Management to summarize key concepts, and “Essential Content” case studies with questions and answers to further reinforce the learners’ knowledge.


Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference 37th Edition

Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference 37th Edition

**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with “Essential Purchase” designation in Pharmacology**

Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for over 35 years!
 Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs you administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled ― including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. And no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, High Alerts for drugs with the greatest risk, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects. From nursing pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this perennial bestseller proves there is a difference in drug guides.

  • More than 5,000 generic and trade-name drugs are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals.
  • Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, with both trade and generic names listed in the index.
  • Bolded coverage of IV drug administration highlights dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations and Y-site, syringe, and additive compatibilities.
  • Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information.
  • Complete pharmacokinetic information is summarized in a table and includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug as well as its action, duration, and excretion.
  • Side effects information is organizedby body system and identified as common or life threatening, showing signs to watch for during assessments.
  • High Alert headers highlight drugs that pose the greatest risk if administered improperly.
  • Black Box Warnings provide alerts to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions.
  • Overview of drug categories explains the safe administration of common classes of drugs, as well as their common side effects and interactions.
  • Flexible, water-resistant cover provides durability in the clinical setting.
  • NEW! Drug monographs for more than 25 newly released, FDA-approved medications equip you with the latest drug information including generic names, trade names, pronunciations, do-not-confuse drugs, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions (including drug/herb, drug/food and drug/lab test), nursing considerations, treatment of overdose, patient/family teaching, and more.
  • NEW! Several online-only drug monographs are added to the Evolve website, creating an overall total of more than 100 Evolve-only drug monographs for lesser-used medications.


NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2021-2023 12th Edition

NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, 2021-2023 12th Edition

The quintessential guide to nursing diagnoses from NANDA-I experts in new updated edition

Fully updated and revised by editors T. Heather Herdman, Shigemi Kamitsuru, and Camila Takáo Lopes, NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2021-2023, 12th Edition is the definitive guide to nursing diagnoses, as reviewed and approved by the NANDA International (NANDA-I) Diagnosis Development Committee (DDC). In this new edition of a seminal text, the editors have revised all introductory chapters, providing critical information needed for nurses to understand assessment, its link to diagnosis and clinical reasoning, and the purpose and use of taxonomic structure for nurses at the bedside. Researchers will also find new recommendations to improve the terminology.

Additional Key Updates

  • 46 new nursing diagnoses and 67 revised diagnoses
  • Changes to 17 nursing diagnosis labels, ensuring they are consistent with current literature and reflect a human response
  • Refinement of the vast majority of the nursing diagnosis related/risk factors
  • Standardization of diagnostic indicator terms (defining characteristics, related factors, risk factors) to further aid clarity for students and clinicians
  • Coding of all terms for those using electronic versions of the terminology
  • Web-based resources include reference lists for new and revised diagnoses
  • New chapter on revised Level of Evidence Criteria for diagnosis submission

Rigorously updated and revised, the new edition of this acclaimed text is a must-have resource for all nursing students, professional nurses, nurse educators, nurse informaticists, nurse researchers, and nurse administrators.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.


Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges 9th Edition

Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges 9th Edition

Discover what it means to be a professional nurse ― the history, values and standards, and commitment to life-long learning. Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges, 9th Edition equips you with current professional nursing practices to positively impact your career. This easy-to-read text helps you gain insight into the current state of the profession and benefit from a thorough examination of standards and scope of practice, with new information on the Affordable Care Act, real-life interview narratives, coverage of social justice in nursing, transition into professional practice, health care delivery systems, future challenges for the nursing profession. and more. Valuable learning aids throughout this text include: case studies, cultural challenges, evidence-based practice, critical thinking, interviews, professional profiles, historical notes, nursing research, and ideas for further exploration.

  • Professional Profiles boxes provide prospective from nurses in the field.
  • Case Study boxes featurescenarios involving relevant issues in patient care.
  • Considering Culture boxes highlight the impact of culture in regards to a nurse’s role and responsibilities and the patient’s healthcare experience.
  • Evidence-based Practice boxes identify leading findings in nursing topics and trends.
  • Nurses Doing Research boxes highlight problems identified in patient care and the ongoing efforts to find patient interventions.
    • Interview narratives explore the issues like culture and faith from the perspectives of leaders in those fields.
    • Discussions on the implications of social media on nursing, including ethics and boundaries.
    • Historical Notes highlight little-known stories of heroisms in the nursing profession.
      • Key terms are bolded where defined in the text.
      • A Glossary is included at the end of the text.
      • Learning outcomes are presented at the chapter openings.
      • Concepts and Challenges and Ideas for Further Exploration at the end of the chapters help you to review and test prep.
        • NEW! Updated information on the Affordable Care Act keeps you in the know.
        • NEW! Information on care coordination prepares you to make more informed decisions about patient care.
        • NEW! Information on care transitions so you know what to expect upon entering the workforce.
        • NEW! Increased content on diversity in nursing, ethnocentrism, moral distress and moral courage, communication models (SBAR, CUS and others), and RN to BSN education.
        • NEW! Cognitive rehearsal prepares you for the unlikely threat of lateral violence
        • NEW! Tips on documentation include both electronic and paper types.
        • NEW! Social justice in nursing helps you to learn to advocate for patients who need your help.





Diabetes Care at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) 1st Edition

Diabetes Care at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) 1st Edition

Diabetes Care at a Glance

The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations.

Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text.

Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond.

Everything you need to know about Diabetes Care … at a Glance!

Diabetes affects a large proportion of the population and it is essential that student nurses, dietitians, podiatrists and other health practitioners and allied healthcare professionals be up to date with the support and treatment that people with diabetes need. Diabetes Care at a Glance contains the latest evidence-based and practical information underpinning diabetes care, illustrating the essential principles of partnership, individualised, and informed care in an easily accessible format.

Edited by an expert in the field, with contributions from academics, practitioners and specialist nurses, Diabetes Care at a Glance covers topics such as:

  • Diabetes prevention, diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and consultation approaches and language matters
  • Promotion of healthy eating, physical activity promotion, promoting weight loss, and structured education in type 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Prescriptions, emotional and psychological support, person-centred goal setting and assessing risk, and partnership working and adjustment
  • Anti-diabetes oral hypoglycaemics and GLP-1s, insulin options, administration and injection technique, pumps, and self-blood glucose monitoring

Written for student nurses, allied healthcare professionals and newly qualified practitioners, Diabetes Care at a Glance is a highly valuable quick reference text, ideal for those looking for an introduction to the topic of diabetes, revision, or for those in need of a refresher.

For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: www.wiley.com

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This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see www.wiley.com/buy/9781119841265


Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 6th Edition

Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 6th Edition

For courses in pharmacology.
A holistic approach to pharmacology essentials
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach simplifies pharmacology by linking it tightly to therapeutic goals. Instead of learning about drugs in isolation, students approach them by body systems and diseases in order to draw connections between A&P, diseases, and drug interventions. Engaging features and exercises relate pharmacology to nursing care, while discussion of alternative therapies and cultural and lifespan considerations give further context for clinical decisions. The 6th edition adds the most current pharmacotherapeutics and advances in pathophysiology.
Also available with MyLab Nursing

By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Nursing helps students master key concepts, prepare for success on the NCLEX-RN® exam, and develop clinical reasoning skills.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Nursing does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Nursing, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.


Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 10th Edition

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 10th Edition

Gain the pharmacology knowledge and skills you need to administer medications safely! Pharmacology and the Nursing Process, 10th Edition provides practical, easy-to-use pharmacology information, emphasizing the application of the nursing process and prioritization throughout the book. Coverage begins with pharmacology basics, then discusses drugs by body systems and drug functions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations show how drugs work in the body and depict key steps in medication administration. Written by pharmacology experts Linda Lane Lilley, Shelly Rainforth Collins, and Julie S. Snyder, this bestselling textbook makes it easy to understand and apply pharmacology concepts and provide safe, quality nursing care.

  • Focus on need-to-know information includes discussions of what nurses may encounter during drug administration in a variety of health care settings, providing accounts of real-life medication errors and tips for avoiding those errors.
  • The Nursing Process is applied to each category of drugs, ensuring that you administer medications accurately and safely, and includes the steps of assessment, human need statements, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Emphasis on drug classes describes key similarities and differences among the drugs in each class, making it easier to understand how individual drugs work in the body.
  • Consistent presentation for each drug group includes the mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, interactions, and dosages, concluding with drug profiles of individual drugs in the class or group.
  • High-alert icons identify medications that pose a greater risk to patient safety.
  • Focus on prioritization includes prioritized nursing diagnoses along with a corresponding prioritization of goals and outcomes, to help you learn to connect nursing diagnoses with goals and outcomes.
  • Ease of readability makes difficult content more understandable.
  • Photo atlas features more than 100 drawings and photographs showing drug administration techniques.
  • Dosages tables summarize generic and trade names, pharmacologic class, normal dosage ranges, and indications for the drugs.
  • Learning features at the beginning of each chapter include objectives and key terms, and at the end of each chapter, key points, critical thinking questions, review questions, and a list of resources available on the Evolve website.
  • QSEN coverage includes the use of human need theory with human need statements, case studies featuring collaboration and teamwork content, Preventing Medication Errors boxes, and a discussion of the QSEN initiative as it relates to the safety and quality of patient care.
  • NEW! Updated drug content reflects the latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, and includes updated nursing content.


Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep: Your All-in-One Guide to the Kaplan and HESI Exams (Kaplan Test Prep) Tenth Edition

Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep: Your All-in-One Guide to the Kaplan and HESI Exams (Kaplan Test Prep) Tenth Edition

Now with a new, easy-to-read page design, Kaplan’s Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep is a focused review of the HESI A2 and the Kaplan Nursing Admission Test—two major nursing school entrance assessments. Exam-specific practice, concise content review, and proven test-taking strategies will prepare you to face the first test of your nursing career with confidence.

The Best Review

  • Four sample practice tests: two for HESI A2, two for the Kaplan exam.
  • Diagnostic test to identify the topics where you need the most review
  • Test-specific icons showing which content to review for the Kaplan vs. the HESI
  • Science chapters broken out by topic: anatomy & physiology, biology, organ systems, and chemistry
  • Grammar and writing sections specifically geared to the Kaplan test
  • Quick-reference resources with frequently used math formulas and commonly misspelled words to remember

Expert Guidance

  • Kaplan’s expert nursing faculty reviews and updates content regularly
  • Practical advice for the career-change nursing student
  • We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams


Clinical Nursing Skills at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) 1st Edition

Clinical Nursing Skills at a Glance (At a Glance (Nursing and Healthcare)) 1st Edition

Clinical Nursing Skills at a Glance is the must-have study and revision guide for pre-registration nursing students and newly qualified practitioners alike, providing a visual summary of the essential aspects of clinical nursing skills and procedures. The core platforms of professional practice applicable to nursing adults in a variety of clinical settings are emphasised throughout the text, including care planning, assessment, management, prioritisation and co-ordination of care.  

Designed to allow rapid reference to critical information, the book is divided into 12 sections organised around systems of the body, with each chapter describing a specific clinical skill. With high-quality images throughout, applications to practice, a review quiz, ‘red flags’ highlighting important aspects to consider in the clinical environment, and reflecting current NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses, this new evidence-based guide: 

  • Allows easy access to the necessary knowledge and skills required by nurses to provide quality care 
  • Discusses general principles of care applicable to all, including verbal and non-verbal communication, record keeping, and admission and discharge procedures 
  • Covers mandatory skills such as basic life support, infection control, and medicine management 
  • Includes access to a companion website featuring interactive multiple-choice questions, case studies, and links to additional resources 

Offering superb illustrations, up-to-date information, and a reader-friendly approach, Clinical Nursing Skills at a Glance is an invaluable resource for pre-registration nursing students as well as newly qualified nurses, healthcare assistants, and allied healthcare professionals looking to expand their knowledge of nursing skills and procedures. 


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