Oxford Handbook of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

This fully revised and updated third edition of the Oxford Handbook of Gastroenterology and Hepatology provides up-to-date, pragmatic advice on the management of common conditions and emergencies. An essential resource for all those involved in the care of patients with gastroenterological and hepatological disease, both for specialists and trainees in gastroenterology and hepatology, and also clinicians from other specialties.

The handbook includes a problems-based approach, a unique A to Z compendium of conditions, and sections on therapeutic drugs, and emergencies. Thoroughly revised and updated, it now includes such updates as new approaches for the management of eating disorders, and post-liver transplant patients, the latest advances in endoscopy, new therapies, refined advice on how to select between therapeutic options, as well as additional emergency topics on abdominal trauma, bowel obstructions, and major haemorrhage.

Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics) 2nd Edition

Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Paediatrics) 2nd Edition

The Oxford Handbook of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition has been fully updated, with new chapters on transplantation, nutritional management, and liver function and biopsy to increase the breadth and depth of coverage of this range of closely related disciplines. Written by a team of experts at the top of their field, this handbook is a practical reference manual containing information on the day-to-day management of both rare and common conditions that are encountered by those who regularly see children with gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutritional problems.

Containing up-to-date information and clearly organised for ease of reference, management guidelines and references to key articles for further reading are included to make this handbook an invaluable resource for both established and trainee clinicians, as well as other members of multidisciplinary teams such as specialist nurses, dieticians, and pharmacists.


Gastroenterological Endoscopy 3rd edition

Gastroenterological Endoscopy 3rd edition

Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Internal Medicine!

Written and edited by internationally renowned specialists, the third edition of Gastroenterological Endoscopy covers the entire spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the upper and lower GI tract while providing the latest overview of GI disorders. A great wealth of high-resolution photographs provides the visual information needed to confidently assess and diagnose mucosal lesions of the entire digestive tract. Significant advances in the field—both medical and technical—since the last edition are covered in comprehensive detail.

Key Features:

  • New panel of top international editors, continuing the tradition of excellence, depth, and breadth as originated by founding editors Classen, Tytgat, and Lightdale; list of contributing authors is a “who’s who” of GI endoscopy
  • Coverage of newest, advanced tools and techniques: gastric-POEMS, submucosal tunnel endoscopic resection (STER), lumen-apposing metal stents, “over-the-scope” clips, and much more
  • More than 750 exquisite images

Gastroenterological Endoscopy, third edition, surely deserves a prominent place in any complete endoscopy reference collection.



Cardio-Hepatology: Connections Between Hepatic and Cardiovascular Disease 1st Edition

Cardio-Hepatology: Connections Between Hepatic and Cardiovascular Disease 1st Edition

Cardio-Hepatology: Connections Between Hepatic and Cardiovascular Disease provides a direct relationship between the cardiac and hepatic pathologies providing the link between the heart and liver and showing how liver diseases predispose to impairment in heart functioning and vice versa. Considering the growing number of patients living (and living longer) with heart failure and/or congenital heart disease, it is important to know when and how to test for liver disease in this population, how to interpret abnormal test results, and what management is appropriate. Coverage includes what should be done for patients to limit, avoid, or postpone the impairment in the liver functioning induced by heart diseases and the impairment in the heart functioning induced by liver diseases, on the basis of scientific-exposed evidence and pathophysiology knowledge.

This comprehensive, extended review of the medical literature is perfect for researchers interested in the connection between cardiology and hepatology as well as clinicians making therapeutic decisions for patients suffering from heart or liver chronic diseases.

  • Reviews and discusses all current knowledge about the interactions between heart and liver pathologies
  • Provides guidance on current topics surrounding the assessment of the liver in heart failure
  • Presents important clinical cardiovascular assessments in cirrhotic patients


CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, Third Edition 3rd Edition

CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy, Third Edition 3rd Edition

The ultimate clinical companion for managing digestive and liver diseases―now revised and updated!

Part of the acclaimed CURRENT series, this trusted, practical resource reviews how to diagnose and treat the entire spectrum of digestive tract and liver disorders.

Authored by faculty physicians at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy features a streamlined, consistent presentation, with each chapter outlining the essentials of diagnosis for each condition.

The third edition of this skill-building guide incorporates the latest research and takes you through therapeutic advances in Barrett’s esophagus, eosinophilic esophagitis, esophageal motility disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions. Altogether, CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Endoscopy is more current―and more indispensable―than ever. Page after page, it puts the most important insights on managing digestive and hepatic diseases in the palm of your hand.

  • Authoritative coverage of the entire spectrum of gastroenterology and hepatology conditions, from stomach and esophageal to pancreatic and liver disorders
  • “Essentials of Diagnosis” bulleted lists provide an at-a-glance review of both common and rare digestive disorders
  • More than 90 full-color endoscopic and radiographic images enhance clinical decision-making and clarify imaging techniques
  • Logical organization begins with a section on general concerns such as acute abdominal pain, then progresses to specific disease categories
  • NEW! Chapter on gastrointestinal manifestations of mast cell disorders provides an important update on this increasingly recognized disorder
  • NEW! Timely coverage of the revised Atlanta Guidelines for acute pancreatitis gets you up to speed on diagnostic and treatment approaches for this common condition
  • NEW! High-yield overview of an effective treatment approach for chronic hepatitis C provides key perspectives on improving patient outcomes
  • NEW! Updated references now include clinically relevant articles published in 2014


Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: The Fundamentals 8th Edition

Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: The Fundamentals 8th Edition


The fundamental guide to gastrointestinal endoscopy returns in a fully updated new edition

For over forty years, Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy has offered a clear, accessible introduction to the fundamentals of endoscopy, from patient positioning to the range of available procedures. Now updated by a new authorial team to reflect the latest advances in endoscopic procedures, this text promises to serve a new generation of trainees and specialists as the essential introduction to upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Readers of the eighth edition of Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy will also find:

  • Updated online resources including a downloadable bank of clinical images
  • High-quality videos illustrating endoscopic practices and procedures, linked to specific points in the text

Cotton and Williams’ Practical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy remains a must-own for all trainee and specialist gastroenterologists and endoscopists.


Harrison’s Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3rd Edition (Harrison’s Specialty)

Harrison’s Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3rd Edition (Harrison’s Specialty) 3rd Edition

Gastroenterology and Hepatology – with all the authority of Harrison’s

A Doody’s Core Title for 2020!

Featuring a superb compilation of chapters related to gastroenterology and hepatology derived from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Nineteenth Edition (including content from the acclaimed Harrison’s DVD, now available here in print), this concise, full-color clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field backed by the scientific rigor and authority that have defined Harrison’s. You will find 63 chapters from more than 80 renowned editors and contributors in a carry-anywhere presentation that is ideal for the classroom, clinic, ward, or exam/certification preparation.


• Coverage includes: cardinal manifestations of disease, evaluation of the patient, disorders of the alimentary tract, infections of the alimentary tract, disorders of the liver and biliary tree, liver transplantation, disorders of the pancreas, neoplastic diseases of the gastrointestinal system, nutrition, and obesity and eating disorders
• Reflects the most current advances in genetics, cell biology, pathophysiology, and treatment
• Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management
• High-yield board review questions make this text ideal for keeping current and preparing for the boards
• Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance


Oxford Case Histories in Gastroenterology and Hepatology Illustrated Edition

Oxford Case Histories in Gastroenterology and Hepatology Illustrated Edition

Based around the core curriculum for specialist trainees in gastroenterology and hepatology, this book contains 50 well-structured, peer-reviewed cases gathered from the Oxford Hospitals, comprehensively covering the various disorders of the gastrointestinal system.

Each case comprises a brief clinical history and relevant examination findings, details of investigations including examples of medical imaging, followed by questions on differential diagnosis and management and detailed answers and discussion. The text is complemented by numerous black and white illustrations, including radiographic images, and 24 colour images. The question-and-answer format is designed to enhance the reader’s diagnostic ability and clinical understanding.


Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review 1st Edition

Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review

1st Edition

Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review

Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is the only source you will need to pass the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) transplant hepatology examination. Written by two highly experienced hepatologists, this indispensable study guide covers all the main topics tested on the exam: pre-transplant, perioperative, post-transplant, and transplant immunology.


261 multiple-choice questions with answers, including questions based on the authors’ real-life cases, are designed to mimic the clinical scenarios you will encounter in hepatology practice. Questions testing your medical knowledge, clinical insight, and management skills are supported by brief topic overviews, key references, high-quality images, pathology slides, and cholangiograms. Throughout the book, “Pearls” and “Must-Know Facts” sections emphasize testable points that are likely to appear on the ABIM board examination.


The first hepatology-specific study aid of its kind, Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is a must-have for medical professionals preparing for the hepatology boards, as well as practicing gastroenterologists and hepatologists who want to refresh their knowledge and test their proficiency in both fundamental and advanced hepatology topics.


yamada’s textbook of gastroenterology 3 volume set 7th edition

yamada’s textbook of gastroenterology 3 volume set 7th edition

yamada’s textbook of gastroenterology 3 volume set 7th edition

For over 25 years, Yamada’s Textbook of Gastroenterology has been the most comprehensive gastroenterology reference book, combining an encyclopedic basic science approach to GI and liver disease with the latest clinical thinking, especially in diagnostic and therapeutic developments. It is universally respected across the globe.

The original outstanding editorial team was led by Tadataka Yamada, MD, one of the world’s leading figures in GI research. This seventh edition of the Textbook features a new set of Editors-in-Chief and a new team of Associate Editors. This new editorial team has made substantial changes and updates to the Textbook, with a greater focus on the human microbiome, obesity, bariatric endoscopy and aging, along with consolidation of many older chapters.


Led by Professor Michael Camilleri and Professor Timothy C. Wang, a stellar group of associate editors have once again combined with authors in their respective fields to communicate their vast fund of knowledge and experience to make the 7th edition of this iconic textbook the most comprehensive ever published.




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