Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Edition

Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Edition


This textbook marks the second edition of the highly successful Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The first edition quicky became a staple with surgeons on rounds, in training programs and in preparation for board examinations. This atlas is comprised of concise text and detailed vignettes focusing on surgical indications, contraindications, pertinent anatomy, virtual surgical planning, operative techniques, postoperative management, complications and key points with over 2,000 high-quality images.

The Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery serves as an innovative, multidisciplinary, surgical atlas covering core aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck reconstructive surgery, and facial cosmetic surgery. Chapters are written by experts in their fields and are designed to provide high-yield information utilizing a case report format.

New to this second edition:

  • Contemporary coverage of dental implants, including digital implant planning, grafting techniques, implant supported restorations of the edentulous arch, immediate implant placement and provisionalization.
  • Management of facial infections including odontogenic head and neck infections, osteomyelitis and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ).
  • Recent advances in facial trauma surgery, orthognathic surgery and facial reconstructive surgery utilizing virtual surgical planning, custom plate fabrication and the latest surgical techniques with case reports.
  • Expansion of the orthognathic and craniofacial section to include new case reports and chapters on orthognathic surgery in cleft patients, cranial vault surgery and the evaluation and planning of concomitant TMJ and orthognathic surgeries.
  • Advances in the field of facial cosmetic surgery including cryolipolysis, fat transfer, soft tissue fillers and the latest technique updates.
  • Elaboration of the facial ablative and reconstructive surgery sections to include virtual surgical planning, custom plate fabrication, osteotomy cuts guides and the latest hard and soft tissue harvest techniques.




Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies: Print + eBook with Multimedia (Volume 1)

Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies: Print + eBook with Multimedia (Volume 1)

Based on the highly regarded Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management and part of the Manual of Emergency Medicine series envisioned by leading authority in emergency medicine, Dr. Ron M. Walls, Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies provides evidence-based, easy-to-read coverage of these commonly seen emergencies. Through the direction and expertise of lead editor Dr. Daniel J. Egan and associate editors Drs. Gareth M.C. Lema, Di (Fan) Coneybeare, and Marita S. Teng, this reference is a practical guide to approaching the patient with an EENT complaint in a systematic way, providing a hands-on framework for clinical decision making and therapeutic interventions. 

  • Walks you through all aspects of diagnosis and management, including a rapid diagnosis and directed approach which are especially critical to optimal outcomes 
  • Contains practical, straightforward chapters that are highly illustrated, easy to read, and designed for quick reference 
  • Provides helpful information such as pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, evidence-based analysis of the literature, best practice recommendations, and treatment algorithms for a wide range of clinical presentations 
  • Reviews EENT anatomy, performing a history, selecting appropriate imaging, and structuring/modifying the physical exam for the needs of the specific complaint 
  • Covers infections of the ear, sudden hearing loss, vertigo, sinusitis, deep space infections of the neck, foreign bodies, trauma, orbital tumors, vision loss, glaucoma, and much more 
  • Facilitates best practices and promotes communication across all specialties, whether in the emergency department, ICU, urgent care setting, pre-hospital environment, or anywhere else EENT emergencies may occur

    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 


Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head & Neck Diseases 1st Edition

Clinical Atlas of ENT and Head & Neck Diseases 1st Edition

This atlas and text is a practical guide to otolaryngology for medical trainees. Divided into seven sections, each part is dedicated to a different area in the head and neck nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, ear and neck, with a final section on endoscopy. Each chapter begins with the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the region, followed by detailed discussion on the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of associated diseases and disorders. The interactive DVD ROM includes four Powerpoint presentations, as well as videos of surgical procedures. 400 full colour images and illustrations enhance learning.


Textbook Of Ear, Nose, Throat And Head & Neck Surgery Clinical And Practical, 3E (Pb 2014) 3rd Edition

Textbook Of Ear, Nose, Throat And Head & Neck Surgery Clinical And Practical, 3E (Pb 2014) 3rd Edition

This is the third edition of the comprehensive textbook of otorhinolaryngology and head & neck surgery, covering theoretical, clinical and practical aspects of the subject including the recent advances, which has been thoroughly revised and completely upd


Self Assessment and Review ENT 7th Edition

Self Assessment and Review ENT 7th Edition

Bestseller book on ENTThoroughly revised and updated edition including latest exam pattern questions with explanationsMore than 200 latest pattern questions with explanationsExplanatory questions and answers of AIIMS (2000-2015), PGI (2000-2015) and All India (2000-2012)Color plates of all important illustrations and instruments given in a separate sectionA must-buy book for All India, AIIMS, PGI, JIPMER, DNB and state entrance exams Bestseller book on ENTThoroughly revised and updated edition including latest exam pattern questions with explanationsMore than 200 latest pattern questions with explanationsExplanatory questions and answers of AIIMS (2000-2015), PGI (2000-2015) and All India (2000-2012)Color plates of all important illustrations and instruments given in a separate sectionA must-buy book for All India, AIIMS, PGI, JIPMER, DNB and state entrance exams


ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide 1st Edition

ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide 1st Edition

Designed for trainees at all levels, ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide provides concise, step-by-step instructions to the core otolaryngology, head and neck, and facial plastics procedures that surgeons are likely to encounter in daily practice. Convenient and portable, this guide provides enough information to allow trainees to


ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat

ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat

This new edition of the best-selling ABC of Otolaryngology offers an up-to-date overview of otolaryngology, and head and neck surgery (ENT). Now in its fifth edition, the ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat advises on how best to manage patients with the most common ENT-related problems. Thoroughly revised and updated, this new edition includes extra chapters on facial pain, head and neck tumours, sleep apnoea and epistaxis, as well as recent advances in ENT evaluation and investigations (especially CT and MRI) and minimally invasive techniques. New material on voice, breathing and swallowing disorders, hearing impairment and cochlear implants has been added, with new pictures, illustrations and algorithms throughout. The ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat offers an essential introduction to this fundamental speciality for students, whilst providing a practical reference for GPs, GP registrars, junior doctors and nurses.


ENT OSCEs: A guide to your first ENT job and passing the MRCS (ENT) OSCE (MasterPass) 3rd Edition

ENT OSCEs: A guide to your first ENT job and passing the MRCS (ENT) OSCE (MasterPass) 3rd Edition

Revised and expanded for the third edition, this book is both a guide for your first ENT job and a tried and tested revision guide covering all aspects of the MRCS (ENT) OSCE. Written by a team of ENT specialists, the accessible text follows a step-by-step approach with each OSCE station based on the style of past questions. Recent changes in the structure of the examination, together with the nature of the examination in both COVID and post-COVID contexts are included.

With over 120 colour images, the guide remains unrivalled as a tool with which to prepare for ENT exams. It is essential reading for candidates of the MRCS (ENT) OSCE and will also aid trainees in preparation for specialty registrar national selection interviews. It is highly recommended for GPs wishing to refresh their knowledge of how to assess common ENT problems and will also be an ideal reference for any junior doctor learning to take histories and examinations in their first ENT post. Finally, it is an invaluable resource for medical students undertaking their ENT attachment and in preparation for final examinations.



Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies

Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies

Based on the highly regarded Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management and part of the Manual of Emergency Medicine series envisioned by leading authority in emergency medicine, Dr. Ron M. Walls, Manual of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies provides evidence-based, easy-to-read coverage of these commonly seen emergencies. Through the direction and expertise of lead editor Dr. Daniel J. Egan and associate editors Drs. Gareth M.C. Lema, Di (Fan) Coneybeare, and Marita S. Teng, this reference is a practical guide to approaching the patient with an EENT complaint in a systematic way, providing a hands-on framework for clinical decision making and therapeutic interventions. 


Principles and Practicalities of ENT: How to approach common clinical scenarios 1st Edition

Principles and Practicalities of ENT: How to approach common clinical scenarios 1st Edition

‘Principles and Practicalities of ENT’ ensures that doctors of all levels are well equipped to approach common clinical scenarios encountered in ENT with confidence. Each section covers how to prepare for patients, includes key points in the history and examination, and how best to investigate and manage a wide variety of common ENT presentations and conditions. The material is structured to provide an easy reference including red flag and primary care sections to enable readers to know what to look out for when considering referrals. Inaddition to being a revision tool for medical students, doctors pursuing MRCS (ENT) examinations and higher surgical training in ENT, this book also serves as a useful aid for primary care physicians in their everyday diagnostics and referral practices.



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