Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults (Pediatric Oncology) 2nd Edition

Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults (Pediatric Oncology) 2nd Edition
This is the second edition of the only book to be devoted exclusively to the total cancer picture in adolescents and young adults (AYA), now expanded from the age range 15-29 to that of 15–39 years. For each of the diverse spectrum of cancers encountered in the AYA group, the epidemiology, natural progression, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options are described, with special emphasis on strategies for early detection and prevention. Comparison is made with management of both younger and older patients, and model programs are presented that address common diagnostic, staging, treatment, and psychosocial shortcomings in the AYA group. Detailed attention is also paid to principles and practices of care, with consideration of psychosocial and quality of life issues, social support systems, rehabilitation, late effects, insurance, and economic aspects of health care, among other topics. The authors make compelling arguments for integrated strategies that allow young adults to benefit from the combined expertise of pediatric and adult oncologists in systems that identify both the complex disease and the social issues specific to this population.