Basic Musculoskeletal Imaging (Lange Medical Books) 1st Edition

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A complete introductory text to musculoskeletal imaging
Basic Musculoskeletal Imaging is an engagingly written, comprehensive textbook that addresses the fundamental principles and techniques of general diagnostic and advanced musculoskeletal imaging. In order to be as clinically relevant as possible, the text focuses on the conditions and procedures most often encountered in real-world practice, such as:
- Upper and lower extremity trauma
- Axial skeletal trauma
- Arthritis and infection
- Tumors
- Metabolic bone diseases
- Bone infarct and osteochondrosis
- Shoulder, knee, spine, elbow, wrist, hip, and ankle MRI
You will also find authoritative coverage of:
- Signs in musculoskeletal imaging
- The key concepts of using different modalities in musculoskeletal imaging
- Current advances in musculoskeletal scintigraphy
The book is enhanced by superb figures and illustrations, including a four-page full-color insert; “Pearls” that summarize must-know information; and an outstanding introduction to musculoskeletal ultrasound by international experts from France and Brazil.