Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department 2nd Edition
In a conversational, easy-to-read style, Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, 2nd Edition , discusses 365 errors commonly made in the practice of emergency medicine and gives practical, easy-to-remember tips for avoiding these pitfalls. Chapters are brief, approachable, and evidence-based, suitable for reading immediately before the start of a rotation, used for quick reference on call, or read daily over the course of one year for personal assessment and review.
?Key Features:
- Coverage includes psychiatry, pediatrics, poisonings, cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, trauma, general surgery, orthopedics, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, renal, anesthesia and airway management, urology, ENT, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.
- Completely revised and rewritten by many new authors, as well as returning authors who bring a fresh perspective to new subjects.
- New key points at the end of each chapter present must-know information in an easy-access, bulleted format.
- Ideal for emergency medicine physicians, residents, and attendings; emergency nurse practitioners, PAs who practice in the ED, and primary care physicians in urgent care centers.
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