Anesthetic Management for the Pediatric Airway: Advanced Approaches and Techniques
Anesthetic Management for the Pediatric Airway: Advanced Approaches and Techniques
The advancement of tactics used in managing pediatric airway disorders can be attributed to an overall growth of collective knowledge among medical health professionals. This book is designed to sustain that growth of knowledge, with 18 chapters of insight and information by distinguished medical experts in both pediatric anesthesia and pediatric otolaryngology. It concisely and thoroughly covers topics such as subglottic stenosis, pharyngeal airway obstruction, laryngeal airway obstruction, obesity and sleep apnea and thoracic airway obstruction, among others. Chapters include scenarios where the skills and expertise of both anesthesiologists and otolaryngologists are being continually tested; the use of newer drugs and repurposing of older drugs; the combination of smaller amounts of different types of sedatives while avoiding intra-op narcotics and maintaining spontaneous ventilation are described in detail; Finally, a comprehensive review of new research emerging about ultra-rapid narcotics metabolizers among patients, making them more susceptible to medications, such as codeine, along with the latest information on the purported potential neurodevelopmental toxicity of some anesthetic agents are also included. Working as both an educational tool and a practical resource, medical practitioners, students and educators will find this text to be a valuable tool for the safely managing the pediatric patient undergoing anesthesia for difficult airway scenarios.
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