An Atlas of Neonatal Brain Sonography, 2nd Edition (182) 2nd Edition

An Atlas of Neonatal Brain Sonography, 2nd Edition (182) 2nd Edition

This Atlas covers the entire spectrum of brain disease as studied with ultrasound, illustrated throughout with superb-quality images. It is aimed at neonatologists and radiologists confronted with everyday clinical questions on the neonatal ward. Most newborn brain disorders can be identified with ultrasound; this book will therefore be particularly useful in settings with limited MRI facilities. Prenatal ultrasound specialists will also find it valuable as a postnatal reference in their field of interest. Suggestions for differential diagnosis accompany all the sonographic findings, guiding the clinician in proceeding from an abnormal image to a diagnosis. This second edition of the Atlas has been brought up to date to include the many advances in technique and interpretation that have been made in the past decade. The images have been replaced with new ones of higher quality, and all the line artwork has been standardised and improved.