Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations (Current Clinical Pathology) 2012th Edition


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Abnormal proteins are known to be associated with various pathologies. Most notably, these include amyloidoses, monoclonal protein deposits associated with plasma cell dyscrasia/multiple myeloma, cryoglobulins and various related organized and non-organized deposits.

Amyloid and Related Disorders presents an overview of the most

recent developments in this area including clinical presentation, etiology, pathogenesis, and differential diagnosis. The rationale for various therapies, including transplantation, is discussed and tissue diagnosis (its pitfalls and strategies for avoiding them) and laboratory support are included. The involvement of all major organ systems including renal/genitourinary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, peripheral nerve/central nervous system, soft tissue and bone marrow pathology is covered. This approach provides a unifying concept of these pathologic processes, which have systemic involvement, and which have, hitherto, not been universally appreciated. Awareness of these diseases among a wider audience of pathologists may increase the rate of their diagnosis as well as that of earlier diagnosis. This volume will be invaluable to specialized and general pathologists as well as cytopathologists; other medical professionals may also benefit from this concise update on the systemic amyloidoses.