Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Mount Sinai Expert Guides) 1st Edition

Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Mount Sinai Expert Guides) 1st Edition

Mount Sinai Expert Guides: Allergy and Clinical Immunology will provide trainees in allergy and immunology with an extremely clinical and accessible handbook covering the major disorders and symptoms, their diagnosis and clinical management.

Perfect as a point-of-care resource on the hospital wards and also as a refresher for board exam preparation, the focus throughout is on providing rapid reference, essential information on each disorder to allow for quick, easy browsing and assimilation of the must-know information. All chapters follow a consistent template including the following features:

  • An opening bottom-line/key points section
  • Classification, pathogenesis and prevention of disorder
  • Evidence-based diagnosis, including relevant algorithms, laboratory and imaging tests, and potential pitfalls when diagnosing a patient
  • Disease management including commonly used medications with dosages, management algorithms and how to prevent complications
  • How to manage special populations, ie, in pregnancy, children and the elderly
  • The very latest evidence-based results, major society guidelines and key external sources to consult

In addition, the book comes with a companion website housing extra features such as case studies with related questions for self-assessment, key patient advice and ICD codes. Each guide also has its own mobile app available for purchase, allowing you rapid access to the key features wherever you may be.

If you’re specialising in allergy and immunology and require concise, practical and clinical guidance from one of the world’s leading institutions in this field, then this is the perfect book for you.

This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from 
iTunesGoogle Play or the MedHand Store.