USMLE Images for the Boards: A Comprehensive Image-Based Review, 1e 1st Edition

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Stay on top of USMLE steps 1,2,3 preparation with USMLE Images for the Boards: A Comprehensive Image-Based Review, the first comprehensive image-based review aid available! This high-yield medical textbook will help you identify and interpret the images you’re likely to see on the exam, allowing you to approach the boards with confidence and land the best score.
- Optimize your visual diagnostic skills with the only review tool that focuses on image interpretation in a standardized-testing environment and provides evidence-based data governing the selection of imaging modalities for a particular disease.
- Prepare for all steps of the USMLE with 300 full-color medical images, including: EKGs, plain film/CT/MRI radiology, pathology slides, gross tissue specimens, and images depicting commonly tested diseases encountered within the fields of ophthalmology, urology, internal medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, orthopedics, and ENT.
- Retain all the necessary information and evaluate your understanding thanks to an easy-to-follow format and challenging board-style review questions with high-yield explanations.
Be prepared with this high-yield, clinically relevant review guide of images for “board” preparation.
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