The SAGES Manual of Colorectal Surgery
The SAGES Manual of Colorectal Surgery

The SAGES Manual of Colorectal Surgery\
This book provides essential didactic content for the SAGES University Masters Program Colorectal Surgery Curriculum. Surgeons seeking to complete the competency, proficiency, or mastery curriculum of the MASTERS Colorectal Pathway for a particular anchoring colorectal procedure will find relevant educational content in this SAGES Manual. Written by experts in the field, each chapter provides detailed guidance on preoperative and peri-procedural considerations for right and left elective and emergency colorectal resections, for both benign and malignant pathologies. Technical pearls and strategies to manage pitfalls and complications are also extensively reviewed along with detailed guidance for both laparoscopic and robotic procedures.
The SAGES Manual of Colorectal Surgery provides a wealth of practical guidance to surgeons along their journey to progress from competency to mastery in various minimally invasive approaches to colorectal surgery.
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