Swanson’s Family Medicine Review, 7e 7th Edition

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Swanson’s Family Medicine Review efficiently summarizes all the latest know-how in primary care and family medicine practice, giving you the assistance you need to maximize your preparation for the ABFM exam. The case histories and review questions in this best-selling family medicine review book test your knowledge of the latest diagnostic methods, medications, and management techniques, ensuring you’ll be fully prepared to land the best score. Study with Swanson’s Family Medicine Review, the most effective review tool available!
- Confidently prepare for the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) exam with Swanson’s Family Medicine Review!
- Stay up-to-date in the area of treatment and management with enhanced discussions throughout.
Be familiar with the most current developments and information in family medicine with this all-around review of the specialty, ideal for nurses and PAs!
- Assess your mastery of the latest diagnostic methods and management techniques through hundreds of questions and dozens of cases, newly updated to reflect the most current developments in practice.
- Browse the full text, review questions, images, and tips for passing the exam online at www.expertconsult.com.
- Earn up to 89 hours of AMA Category 1 Physician’s Recognition Award CME Credit online through Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
- Access the text clearly on any device with a new eReader-compatible design.
The resource of choice for anyone preparing to take the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) examination.
Download this book free here
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