Surgical Oncology Manual 2nd ed. 2016 Edition

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In 2011, the General Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program at the University of Toronto sought to develop a practical approach to common oncology problems faced by general surgeons. This was a collaboration between current and previous fellows, as well as staff at the University of Toronto, including experts from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Odette Cancer Centre (at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre), Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto General Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital, and St. Joseph’s Hospital. This effort culminated in the publication by the program of the Surgical Oncology Manual in March, 2012.
The first edition of the Manual has received excellent feedback on its utility from both trainees and practicing surgeons alike. With the ever-changing landscape of surgical oncology, this edition is updated with new evidence and topics in the field, including three new chapters: “Desmoid Fibromatosis and Dermafibrosarcoma Protuberans”, “Merkel Cell Carcinoma”, and “Non-melanoma Skin Cancers”.
The Manual provides a succinct review of surgical oncology with a summary of key evidence in the work-up, treatment, and follow-up for each cancer site. A clear, concise format has proven invaluable to the intended audience: surgical oncology fellows, practicing general surgeons, and general surgery residents. In addition, each chapter contains a section of “Pearls”, derived from the wide breadth of experience, skills, and abilities of the contributors.
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