Structured Oral Examination Practice for the Final FRCA (Oxford Specialty Training) 1st Edition

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Structured Oral Examination Practice for the Final FRCA offers well-researched, relevant, and carefully constructed questions with evidence-based answers. The book specifically addresses the new clinical emphasis in the FRCA examination, giving candidates an insight into the way the viva works, offering general guidance on examination techniques, and providing readily accessible information relating to a wide range of potential questions.
The book is organized into 16 chapters, each offering trainees and trainers complete examinations as in the real structured oral examination, covering around 70 relevant topics. Each chapter includes clinical anaesthesia and basic science broadly organized into the six areas covered by the exam: long-cases, short-cases, applied anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and clinical measurement. The book also includes a hot topics chapter addressing recent advances beloved of examiners.
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