Reichman’s Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition

Reichman’s Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition

Reichman’s Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition
Reichman’s Emergency Medicine Procedures, Third Edition is written to provide a detailed, step-by-step approach to more than 200 procedures performed in an emergency or acute care setting. This trusted classic will provide medical students, residents, advanced practice clinicians, and the seasoned emergentologist with a reliable, one-stop procedural reference on which to base clinical practices and technical skills. The Third Edition is enhanced by added chapters, algorithms, clinical pictures, radiographs, tables, and coverage of cutting-edge technological advancements.
• Organized into 16 sections, each representing an organ system, an area of the body, or a surgical specialty.
• Each chapter is devoted to a single procedure
• Chapters have a similar format that encompasses:
• Relevant anatomy and pathophysiology
• Indications and contraindications for the procedure
• Preparation for the patient, including consent, anesthesia, and analgesia
• Step-by-step description of the procedure
• Cautions that indicate common problems
• Alternative techniques and helpful hints
• Aftercare and follow-up
• Potential complications
• Summary of critical information
• More than 1,500 full-color photographs
• Companion online library of animations demonstrates approximately 40 common or difficult procedures.
• Includes both common and infrequently encountered procedures
• Important evidence-based recommendations throughout
• Helpful pedagogy includes key information, cautions, and important facts highlighted in bold
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