Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimensions of Cancer Symptom Management (APOS Clinical Reference Handbooks) 2nd Edition

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Psycho-Oncology is a comprehensive handbook that provides best practice models for the management of psychological, cognitive, and social outcomes of adults living with cancer and their families. Chapters cover a wide range of topics including screening tools and interventions, psychiatric emergencies and disorders, physical symptom management, communication issues, and issues specific to common cancer sites. A resource section is appended to provide information on national services and programs.This book features contributions from experts designed to help clinicians review, anticipate and respond to emotional issues that often arise in the context of treating cancer patients. Numerous cross-references and succinct tables and figures make this concise reference easy to use. Psycho-Oncology is an ideal resource for helping oncologists and nurses recognize when it may be best to refer patients to their mental health colleagues and for those who are establishing or adding psychosocial components to existing clinics.
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