Principles and Practice of Transplant Infectious Diseases
Principles and Practice of Transplant Infectious Diseases

Principles and Practice of Transplant Infectious Diseases
This comprehensive volume provides a platform from which both major and minor infectious diseases related issues are addressed in-depth among this highly susceptible population. The book begins with an overview of infections in various modalities. This is followed by chapters on clinical disorders, etiologic agents, therapeutics, and infection prevention. Chapters include easy-to-follow figures and tables, radiologic images, and pictorial demonstrations of various disease states to familiarize and reacquaint the transplant clinicians and surgeons in practice and training, and those belonging to subspecialties providing supportive care for these patients. Discussions to enumerate the noninfectious causes that mimic infectious diseases; clinical relevance and effective utility of existing and emerging diagnostic tools are presented throughout the book. Authored by leaders in their fields, this book is the go-to reference for management of patients undergoing hematopoietic and solid organ transplantation.
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