Primer of Geriatric Urology 2nd ed. 2016 Edition

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The field of geriatric urology continues to evolve and expand since the publication of the first edition of this book. The second edition of this book builds upon the previous addition and provides an introductory overview of the demographics of our aging population and their unique needs. It also provides an in depth review of urologic conditions and their treatment in the elderly patient population. The second edition also includes new and updated information with regard to management of the geriatric urology patient. Chapters were written by members of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. Each faculty member included has specific areas of expertise related to their topics.
Primer of Geriatric Urology, Second Edition will be of interest to urologists, residents, fellows and allied health professionals including physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners who treat urologic patients. Additionally, this book will also be of interest to primary care providers treating elderly patients.
From the Back Cover
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