Precision Medicine in Radiation Oncology
Precision Medicine in Radiation Oncology

Precision Medicine in Radiation Oncology
Precision medicine takes into account each patient’s specific characteristics and requirements to arrive at treatment plans that are optimized towards the best possible outcome. As the field of oncology continues to advance, this tailored approach is becoming more and more prevalent, channelling data on genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and other areas into new and innovative methods of practice. Precision Medicine in Oncology draws together the essential research driving the field forward, providing oncology clinicians and trainees alike with an illuminating overview of the technology and thinking behind the breakthroughs currently being made.
Topics covered include:
- Biologically-guided radiation therapy
- Informatics for precision medicine
- Molecular imaging
- Biomarkers for treatment assessment
- Big data
- Nanoplatforms
Casting a spotlight on this emerging knowledge base and its impact upon the management of tumors, Precision Medicine in Oncology opens up new possibilities and ways of working – not only for oncologists, but also for molecular biologists, radiologists, medical geneticists, and others.
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