Essential Clinical Procedures Expert Consult 4th Edition

Essential Clinical Procedures Expert Consult 4th Edition

Provide safe and effective care to every patient with the fully revised 4th Edition of Essential Clinical Procedures. Written by experts in the field, this widely used reference shows you step by step how to perform more than 70 of the most common diagnostic and treatment-related procedures in today’s primary care and specialist settings. You’ll find clear, concise coverage of the skills you need to know, including new and advanced procedures and new procedure videos.


Covers patient preparation, the proper use of instruments, and potential dangers and complications involved in common procedures, as well as nonprocedural issues such as informed consent, standard precautions, patient education, and procedure documentation.

Includes new chapters on Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Ring Removal, as well as 34 new procedure videos.

Features significantly revised content on cryosurgery • injection techniques • arterial puncture • shoulder/finger subluxations • sterile technique • outpatient coding • casting and splinting • blood cultures • standard precautions • and more.

Contains more than 200 high-quality illustrations, including updated images of office pulmonary function testing and wound closure.

Uses a consistently formatted presentation to help you find information quickly.

Reflects the latest evidence-based protocols and national and international guidelines throughout.




Basic Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery, Fourth Edition

Basic Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery, Fourth Edition

Basic Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery, Fourth Edition

Basic Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery is an essential textbook for any ophthalmology resident or trainee and will help them build a solid foundation of ophthalmic surgical knowledge. It lays the groundwork for the 80+ surgical procedures covered in the companion volume, Basic Techniques of Ophthalmic Surgery, Third Edition. // In this new edition, chapters have been reviewed and revised with important updates in the areas of ergonomics, intraocular fluids, patient safety issues and postoperative management. Each chapter includes key points, suggested reading and self-assessment questions.


In addition, the book contains more than 200 photographs and illustrations and four videos. Both print and eBook users have access to the videos. // Contents: EVALUATION AND PREPARATION *Patient Selection; *Preparation of the Patient; *Preparation of the Surgeon; *Informed Consent; *Simulation in Surgical Training; *Surgical Logistics; THE IMPORTANCE OF ERGONOMICS FOR OPHTHALMOLOGISTS *The Operating Microscope and Surgical Loupes; *Surgical Instruments and Blades; *Suture Materials and Needles; *Lasers; *ACGME Requirements for Surgical Training; *Intraoperative Considerations. ASEPTIC TECHNIQUE AND THE STERILE FIELD IN THE OPERATING ROOM *Ophthalmic Anesthesia; *Hemostasis; *Suturing and Knot Tying; *Intraocular Fluids; *Patient Safety Issues; *Postoperative Considerations. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT *The Healing Process; *Dressings; *Handling of Ocular Tissues for Pathology; *Complications and Their Consequences.




Boston Children’s Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Pediatric Orthopaedic Fracture Surgery

Boston Children’s Illustrated Tips and Tricks in Pediatric Orthopaedic Fracture Surgery

The latest in Lippincott’s new Illustrated Tips and Tricks series features hard-to-find nuggets of wisdom from surgeons and residents at the world-renowned Boston Children’s Hospital. Covering the upper extremity, hip, foot, and ankle, the book focuses on how attending surgeons approach treatment and management with specific patient types in specific situations, and is ideal as a complementary resource to comprehensive technical manuals.



  • Written by experts at Boston Children’s Hospital, routinely rated one of the top children’s hospitals in the United States.
  • Part of the Illustrated Tips and Tricks series, which compiles the wisdom and experience of veteran surgeons.
  • Content is derived from what attendings impart to residents and is contextualized to specific situations and patients.
  • Numerous illustrations offer visual guidance for clinical procedures and patient interaction.
  • Book features procedural videos and additional clinical guidance. 




Orthopaedic Basic Science Foundations of Clinical Practice 5th edition

Orthopaedic Basic Science Foundations of Clinical Practice 5th edition

Orthopaedic Basic Science Foundations of Clinical Practice 5th edition

This fifth edition of medical book is your concise and clinically relevant resource for the scientific basis of orthopaedic surgery in support of the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and conditions.

Reach for this title to explain the functions, advancements, and limitations of the science behind the decisions, treatments, and procedures you perform in your practice every day. Use it to build and reinforce your foundation of knowledge for applying advances in scientific discovery to your decision making in the clinic and the OR.


This new edition is completely rewritten, reorganized, and refocused through a collaboration of senior scientists and clinicians with new chapters and content reflecting the many advancement in and around the science behind musculoskeletal medicine, including epigenetics, biomaterials, tissue engineering, gender differences, and metabolic bone disease, as well as the growth of registries and best-practice guidelines.

Sections include:

  • Basic Disciplines in Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Structure and Function of Musculoskeletal Tissues
  • Pathophysiology and Orthopaedic Medicine
  • Repair and Regeneration
  • Principles of Clinical Information




DeLee, Drez and Miller’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: 2-Volume Set 5th Edition

DeLee, Drez and Miller’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: 2-Volume Set 5th Edition

Indispensable for both surgeons and sports medicine physicians, DeLee, Drez, & Miller’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice, 5th Edition, remains your go-to reference for all surgical, medical, rehabilitation and injury prevention aspects related to athletic injuries and chronic conditions. Authored by Mark D. Miller, MD and Stephen R. Thompson, MD, this 2-volume core resource provides detailed, up-to-date coverage of medical disorders that routinely interfere with athletic performance and return to play, providing the clinically focused information you need when managing athletes at any level.


  • Provides a unique balance of every relevant surgical technique along with extensive guidance on nonsurgical issues―making it an ideal reference for surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and others who provide care to athletes.
  • Offers expanded coverage of revision surgery, including revision ACL and revision rotator cuff surgery.
  • Features additional coverage of cartilage restoration procedures and meniscal transplantation.
  • Provides significant content on rehabilitation after injury, along with injury prevention protocols.
  • Includes access to a comprehensive video collection, with more than 100 videos new to this edition.
  • Retains key features such as coverage of both pediatric and aging athletes; a streamlined organization for quick reference; in-depth coverage of arthroscopic techniques; extensive references; levels of evidence at the end of each chapter; and “Author’s Preferred Technique” sections.




QuickRef Orthopaedic Procedures Atlas, Second Edition

QuickRef Orthopaedic Procedures Atlas, Second Edition

QuickRef Orthopaedic Procedures Atlas, Second Edition

The QuickRef® Orthopaedic Procedures Atlas, Second Edition is a high-yield distilled text based on the Atlas of Essential Orthopaedic Procedures, 2nd Edition, summarizing the essential fundamental knowledge and practical techniques that all orthopaedic surgeons should know across the specialties. Make this condensed easy-to-follow step-by-step guide an indispensable resource for your orthopaedic practice.


All 118 procedures from the original text are condensed and rewritten in a quick-read bullet format with selected images. Each procedure includes the management of each condition in an easy-to-follow format that begins with patient selection, walks through a description of the procedure, and concludes with the author’s surgical pearls.

The QuickRef Orthopaedic Procedures Atlas also includes 79 selected streaming videos from the original title to illustrate key ideas from the experts in each specialty.

Sections include:
Sports Medicine
Shoulder and Elbow
Hand and Wrist
Adult Reconstruction
Foot and Ankle




Surgical and Medical Treatment of Osteoporosis

Surgical and Medical Treatment of Osteoporosis

Surgical and Medical Treatment of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and is associated with pathological fractures that can lead to significant morbidity. It represents an economic burden to the health care system, directly linked to an ageing population. Guidelines on osteoporosis prevention have been published but these do not provide the required specialised knowledge for the treating physician.


This book ‘fills the gap’ and focuses on the principles of surgical and medical treatment of osteoporosis. It aims to improve education and provide answers based on current evidence, helping doctors follow best practice, improve patient care and outcomes, and minimise the complications of medical and surgical management.




SBAs for the FRCS(Tr&Orth) Examination

SBAs for the FRCS(Tr&Orth) Examination: A Companion to Postgraduate Orthopaedics Candidate’s Guid

SBAs for the FRCS(Tr&Orth) Examination

Following the format change to include single best answer questions (SBAs), this book equips candidates with a full range of testing examples to develop familiarity with the format and prepare for success in their FRCS (Tr&Orth) examination. Containing over 1,000 level 2 SBA questions, detailed explanations ensure candidates understand the reasoning and evidence-based decision-making behind each answer.


Covering the breadth of the orthopaedic syllabus, including more difficult subject areas such as biomechanics, prosthetics/orthotics, anatomy and statistics, this is a crucial resource for all candidates. Encouraging the integration of clinical information with problem solving, this question format helps candidates learn and retain the answers more efficiently than with simple factual recall. Written by highly experienced clinicians and examiners, these example questions are essential for preparing for the real examination.




Rheumatology Secrets 4th Edition

Rheumatology Secrets 4th Edition

Rheumatology Secrets 4th Edition

For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Rheumatology Secrets, 4th Edition, features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style – making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.


This medical book in Series format gives you the most return for your time – succinct, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective.

Practical coverage of basic immunology and pathophysiology, important disease manifestations, and clinical management issues related to common and uncommon rheumatic disorders.

Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice and on exams.

Features bulleted lists, mnemonics, practical tips from leaders in the field – all providing a concise overview of important board-relevant content.

Keeps you up to date with new techniques and technologies, as well as changing treatment options and drug information.

Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime.

Helps ensure mastery of the material with 100 board-style questions available online that provide effective review and quick practice for your exams.

Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.




Postgraduate Orthopaedics 2nd Edition

Postgraduate Orthopaedics 2nd Edition

Postgraduate Orthopaedics 2nd Edition

Develop an aptitude for defining key topics this medical book, features and processes, vital for your FRCS (Tr&Orth) Viva exam success, with this newly updated and detailed guide. This new edition expertly delivers invaluable insights into tactics and planning, for candidates to sharpen exam skills, and gain confidence. Thoroughly updated to include an expanded basic science section, to answer all of your viva questions, this guide also supplies candidates with new illustrations and exam-specific diagrams; adapting to meet the expectations of a constantly changing syllabus.


Vital for orthopaedic surgeons in training, this forward-looking text includes a drawing chapter, for candidates to practise creating succinct, exam-style illustrations, before the exam itself. Proactive in its approach, this book addresses the balance between trauma, general orthopaedics and basic science; by editors with extensive national and international experience of preparing candidates for the FRCS(Tr & Orth).





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