MD Aware: A Mindful Medical Practice Course Guide

MD Aware: A Mindful Medical Practice Course Guide
This unique, step-by-step guide for instructors offers a comprehensive approach to teaching pre-clerkship medical students — as well as residents and even experienced physicians — about the transformational impact of mindful medical practice, or mindful whole person care. Indeed, integrating contemplative practices – such as “presence” and “relationship” — into medical education is an established but still rapidly growing approach to bringing experiential learning to medical students. This book gives the rationale for administering a mindful medical practice (MMP) course, details the moment to moment process for each of the 7 classes that are outlined, and summarizes a way forward for instructors. Pages of the book can be copied and used in class with students, and there are appendices that include helpful tools a teacher can immediately copy and hand out in each class. Handy, one-page templates are provided at the end of each chapter for teachers to use as a guide while teaching each class. A unique contribution to the medical literature and the increasing focus on mindful medical practice, MD Aware: A Mindfulness-Based Whole Person Care Course Guide for Physicians is not only the ideal resource for teachers interested in setting up an MMP course in a medical school; it is also an invaluable practical guide for any clinician hoping to learn more about the importance and benefits of offering mindful medical practice to patients – and to themselves as healers.
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