Mayo Clinic Cardiology: Concise Textbook (Mayo Clinic Scientific Press) 4th Edition

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The fourth edition of IMayo Clinic Cardiology: Concise Textbook continues the tradition of all previous editions: a succinct yet comprehensive teaching and learning textbook rather than an overwhelming reference work. This new edition continues to bridge the gap between currently available texts: more than a bare-bones compilations of lists of facts that do not address the fundamental concepts of the practice of cardiology and not so encyclopedic a tome that it goes into the minute detail of a traditional reference work.
Organized to present a comprehensive overview of the field of cardiology in an accessible, reader-friendly format that can be covered in about 12 months, this new edition contains roughly 50% new material, the cardiac pharmacology section has been completely reworked, cardiovascular trials have been included, and the entire book has been updated to reflect current practice guidelines and recent developments. The book is peppered throughout with numerous tables and clinical pearls that aid the student, as well as the teacher, to remain focused.
Mayo Clinic Cardiology is based on the original syllabus for the Mayo Cardiovascular Review Course, one of the premiere teaching courses in cardiology in the United States. The content evolves entirely from Mayo Clinic physicians and reflects the expert cardiovascular care provided, from common conditions to those that are very rare, even more tertiary referral centers.
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